//You've Got Me? (I've Got You.) PT. 3//

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Something creaks in the darkness of the den, and the Runt drifts out of sleep just long enough to lift his head and blink blearily; snuffling curiously. It's dark in the den. Nothing but dark shadows and masses around the room he can't quite make out from his position. There's a comforting arm holding him securely against a chest that's rising and falling with sleep.

When he doesn't immediately see what made the noise, he yawns a bit and burrows back down against the chest; fully content to go back to sleep. But then there's the shuffle of fabric, and he cracks an eye open again to double-check.

Wilbur is stepping hesitantly into the nest of blankets; but he freezes when he realizes the Runt is awake. There's something in one of his hands- like a Hoglin plushie but it looks nothing like a Hoglin. Wilbur snorts a quiet greeting at him and steps into the heart of the den.

And the Runt shies away from him; burrowing further into the Blood Gods chest. He doesn't not like Wilbur. He just..He's new. He doesn't really know how he feels about the Piglin. So he's not sure how safe he feels sleeping with him in the den as well.

His eyes are all dark and funny like the Blood Gods eyes did; and he chuffs at the Runt.

The Blood God stirs slightly in his sleep, and he turns in the nest; dragging the runt with him and curling an arm around him to tuck him up under his chin. Oh that's nice. He likes this. He yawns as the arms curl more securely around him, and he burrows his face into the Gods arms as he closes his eyes to go back to sleep.

Wilbur chuffs at him a few more times as he gets closer, and then hands try to lift him from the Gods arms. He whimpers, squirming in the grasp even though they let go immediately, and the God growls under him. He can hear Wilbur stumble frantically out of the heart of the den and out the door.

The Runt opens his eyes again to see the God blinking blearily in the darkness; but he relaxes when he sees the Runt still in his arms. He presses his snout to the crown of his head.

Safe. He chuffs. Mine.

The Runt makes a content noise in the back of his throat, and he burrows back down to go to sleep.

There are hands touching him again- and there's a voice cooing he's gently scooped up from under the arms. He snuffles curiously, raising his head to try and figure out what's going on- but he's pulled away from the warmth and comforting weight on his back before he can peel them open.

The Runt whines, wriggling in the hands a bit to get back to the warmth- but he's wrapped up in a blanket and held close to a warm chest. He stops whining once he's warm again, and he settles back down into the blanket as someone over his head sighs in relief.

"That's it, mate.." The voice hushes, bringing him up a bit higher to listen to his heart. He rumbles contentedly as he listens; not realizing they're moving until something creaks, and a door clicks shut.

"There we go..Thought I'd never get you out of there after you chased Wilbur out." The voice chuckles. He's maneuvered around a bit until there are two thin arms holding him against a chest, and they start moving again.

The Runt doesn't really mind that they're moving as long as he gets to stay warm. And the steady heart under him is nice- if a bit fast. It nearly lulls him back to sleep when something weird gently presses against his snout. The Runt squeaks out a sneeze; blinking his eyes open and squinting around with a confused noise.

"Oh- Sorry mate." Someone says, and the Runt blinks up at who's carrying him. "Didn't mean to wake you just yet. I was just checking your temperature."

He blinks when he realizes it's the Phil-creature smiling down at him. And it's its thin arms holding him up against its chest. He looks a little funny from this angle. But the Runts eyes catch on his fur.

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