//There Are No Rules PT.6//

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Tubbo knew he wasn't the only one wondering about something. He knew Ranboo wanted to know just as bad. Unfortunately, neither of them knew how to bring it up. That is, until a golden opportunity presented itself in the form of a 2am conversation.

They were at their treehouse, all of them having snuck out.

And as was relatively common for the trio, they were having deep conversations.

Ranboo spoke about his struggles with facial dysmorphia, and the double edged sword that was his anxiety surrounding it. On one hand, he didn't want anyone to see his face. And on the other, the mask and glasses drew more attention to him. There was just no winning.

Tubbo opened up about feeling stupid all the time. He knew he wasn't, he knew it was just his dyslexia. But when you spend every day watching people do their work better and faster than you, it's hard to remember that.

Of course, both of them were provided with support. Ranboo was assured that he was loved with and without his disguise. Tubbo was promised help with assignments any time he needed it and was reminded of all the subjects he excelled at.

Tommy didn't say much about himself, and they didn't push him to. What he did say was more of a slip-up.

"It's just confusing sometimes," he said, furrowing his brow as if trying to figure something out. "Your rules are so much different than his rules for me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do half the time"

And there was it.

Tommy had made similar comments many times throughout their friendship, and Tubbo had never really sought out answers for the questions they left him with. But following everything with the amusement park, not to mention everything with Purpled, he wanted to know more than ever.

"What rules?" Ranboo beat him to asking.

Tommy shrugged. "I dunno. I feel like I've already told you most of them."

"No, but what rules do you think we have for you?" Ranboo pushed.

Time seemed to slow down. This question had been bothering Tubbo for years. And now it was out in the open.

Tommy looked confused. "Wouldn't you know? I mean you set them."

Tubbo shook his head. "We really didn't, Toms." Tommy looked even more lost. Tubbo frowned. He really wanted to know what the supposed rules were, but it was more important that Tommy knew they didn't actually exist. "Would you ever set rules for either of us?" The youngest of them shook his head. "Then why would we do that to you?"

"It's different—"

"It's not though, that's just Dream telling you it is." Tommy flinched slightly at the name.

"He's right, Tommy," Ranboo chimed in. "We never intentionally made up any rules for you. But if you don't mind me asking, I would really like to know what you think they are."

Ahh good ole Ranboo, right to the point.

"I mean don't feel like you have to tell us or anything, I'm just curious," the taller added.

The worst part of Tubbo was almost upset Ranboo gave him an out— he wanted to know so badly! But he knew if Ranboo hadn't said it then he himself would've. He didn't think he could live with himself if he abused the power he had over Tommy to satisfy some morbid curiosity.

Tommy nodded, but didn't respond, and so the topic was dropped. Tubbo didn't think it would come up again.

He was never known for being right.

Tommy thought long and hard after that conversation. His friends didn't have any rules for him. On some level, he knew that. He knew he'd never been read a list of mandates he had to obey. But...they'd hinted at what they wanted, right?

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