//You've Got Me? (I've Got You.) PT.2//

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They walk for a really long time. The Runt drifts in and out of sleep while the God carries him off to whatever destination he has in mind. They pass through the Delta unharmed and emerge into a Warped Forest. After that, they skirt around a lava lake, and the heat off of it nearly makes the Runt fall asleep again. But he forces his eyes to stay open because the God has started looking around for something in the Wastes.

Then the Blood God says something with a questioning snort as he looks over his shoulder- but it's in that language the Runt doesn't understand. The one that sounds light and too airy. But the Phil-creature responds in what he thinks is confirmation; and it starts rummaging in one of its bags for something.

Then they duck under a bit of a cliff, and the God sighs in relief. The Runt looks over curiously, but he wrinkles his nose up in confusion when he sees a weird, obsidian doorway embedded in the cliff. But the obsidian doorway isn't what's weird. It's that it's alone. No structure or anything around it to make a building- but it's also got purple smoke swimming in the frame. And when they get close, his fur stands on end at the overwhelming, powerful thrum of enchantments.

It's then that the God puts him down, and he stumbles on his feet as he falls over with a little oof. The God chuckles- but it's not mean -and sits on the netherrack beside him.

"You alright, Runt?" He asks, and he nods a bit shakily while rubbing his eye. He doesn't know what they're doing. His legs feel all wobbly from being carried for so long- but he's not complaining about that at all. He really enjoys being carried. He hasn't been held in so long it feels like he forgot what it felt like.

"We'll be home soon, don't worry. Phil's just gonna do a quick spell to make sure you're safe, and then we're gonna go through the portal." He explains; gesturing to the purple smoke.

The creature- Phil, he needs to remember its name is Phil -kneels down beside him as well with a book in its hands. The Runt scoots a little closer to the Blood God; snorting a quiet warning. He's not really afraid of the Phil-creature. He's just..Not sure what to think of it. It doesn't talk much in Piglish; so he can't really tell what it wants.

It coos at him, and the Blood God runs a hand through his mane to smooth down his hackles. "It's alright, Runt. He's not gonna hurt you. See?" The God holds a hand out, saying something in the airy language and the Phil-creature reaches out to take his hand. The God catches him by the wrist, and slowly brings it down towards the Runt. He doesn't dare move as a weird, thin hand pats his head twice before retreating.

The Runt peeks up at him with a hesitant noise, and its face goes all..Gooey. It smiles at him- baring teeth but no tusks -and waves at him again with those pale hands.

"Hi there." He says, like it's the only thing he knows how to say. The Runt looks to the God again when he snorts in amusement.

"He's an old man." He muses. "Doesn't really know how to speak Piglish- but he tries his best."

"..Is it an Elder?" The Runt asks, hesitantly.

He flicks his ears back when both he and the brown Piglin burst out laughing. And he holds his tail in his lap as they laugh at him. What did he say? It was just a question- why are they laughing? Did he misunderstand something? He doesn't understand..

The God scoops him back up and chuffs into his mane over and over again until his anxiety melts away; and his laughter peters out into quiet chuckling. "Sure, kid. He's an Elder."

The Runt looks over at the Phil-creature again- this time squinting at it to try and figure out how they can tell it's an Elder without any graying fur. But he doesn't get the chance to look for long, because the God sits him in his lap and faces the Phil-creature with an expectant sound in the other language.

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