//It was supposed to be a game.//

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A neighborhood surrounded the field on all sides. Four roads, each lined with houses, framed the small field that played a part in all of the kid's lives who lived there. The neighborhood was a bit off from the main road of the town making it easily forgettable.

The field, however, was not. For the time being the field was separated into four sections. One corner was claimed by Bad and Skeppy two brothers who used the place just for nice conversations and late night picnics.

The next corner was claimed by Quackity and Karl, they bickered over who really controlled the corner of the field. Quackity would use it for gambling purposes, he'd bring card games and other tricks to con any of the other kids. Karl used it to tell stories about the past with the other kids.

The second to last corner was used by Dream and his friends. They'd come up with a game called 'manhunt' which was an iteration of tag. They'd run around chasing each other and place obstacles to get in their way.

The last corner was made up of a fort-like structure with land surrounding it. This section was owned by the Craft family. Wilbur had originally created it when he was younger with the help of his dad, although no one mentioned that. He deemed it L'manberg after his little brother called it that once. There Wilbur and his three brothers would play out a long story of tyrannical government and betrayal.

"I, the once president of L'manberg, shall now reside the position over to one Tommy Innit Craft!" Wilbur announced, the now sixteen year old, standing in the wooden fort. He wore his usually yellow jumper and blue jeans but now had this brown overcoat that he barely took off.

Tommy sat criss crossed on the grass a little to his left. When he heard his name called he looked up, "But I don't want it."

Wilbur looked confused by the ten year old's crudeness, but shrugged it off.

"Okay, then I hand over the presidency to Tubbo Craft!" Wilbur announced, with the same flourish as the first time. Tubbo looked up sitting next to Tommy, his eyes wide with shock.

"Awesome!" He muttered to himself.

"Not so fast." Techno said, jumping out from where he'd been hiding. "You can't just remake a government after taking one down! I call for anarchy!"

Tommy and Tubbo both laughed as Techno stood up. Wilbur ran out of the way before Techno could tackle him. Instead the pinkette was dealing with two extremely hyperactive ten year olds trying to take him down.

"You were helping us though!" Tommy said, laughing as he crawled onto Techno's shoulders.

"Betrayer!" Tubbo shouted, hugging Techno's knees so he couldn't move.

The four paid no mind to the eyes watching them. Dream stood leaning against a tree as he watched the ruckus unfold. The four had been at it for almost a month now, acting out this absurd play-like thing. They'd managed to rope in a few of the other kids a bit. It was all in the name of keeping the youngests entertained.

Still, Dream found it harder and harder to play the game he and his friends had set up in their corner the more the four shouted and yelled.

Each day they were out making something up in the cool breeze. It was annoying.

"Dream! Come on, man! Are we doing this or not?" Sapnap called over, where he and George were waiting.

Dream rolled his eyes, "Fine." He grumbled, walking over to his two friends away from the chaos that was the Craft family.

"Tommy! Shall I tell you the story of Theseus again!" Techno bellowed out, pulling Tommy off of his shoulders and holding him out in front of him.

George and Sapnap looked over to the four, smiling. It didn't bother them as much as it did Dream. The Crafts kept it to their corner and if they wanted someone to join in they always asked beforehand. They were quite polite people when it came down to it.

Tommyinnit One Shots! (Lots Of Tomboo!)Where stories live. Discover now