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"Guys, I'll be back." Tommy called, walking towards the exit and leaving their family in line.

"Where are you you going?" Wilbur asked, confusing coating his tone.

"Restrooms." The young blonde nonchalantly replied.

"Hm, be back soon, Toms. If we finish before you, we'll wait outside the toilets." Phil explained, moving up further in line, Techno and Wilbur trailing closely behind.

"Alright!" They called, all but running out of the shops. Tommy quickly rounded the corner and skidded into the mens' restroom. 

To be frank, they didn't even need to use the bathroom. They're just extremely  tired of standing in line, because that's what they've been doing for the past 4 hours. It was SUPPOSED to be a simple, quick, family shopping trip. But no, their father had  to go the mall. The MALL.

Ironic, innit? Just two days prior Tommy had been blabbing about wanting to go to the mall with Ranboo and Tubbo, but seriously? They had to spend at LEAST 4 hours at a mall, on a Sunday, the day before their competition. They should be practicing running, not how to make a day the most boring and un-eventful one EVER! But, whatever. Now that they're at the bathroom, they can finally rel-

"Hey, you're awfully pretty." A voice called out, slurring every word. Tommy looked around, were they talking to me?  The blonde thought, seeing as nobody else was in the restrooms. "You," hiccup. "Blondie. What's your name?" The voice repeated, clearly drunk, high, or simply delusional. "U-uh, sorry. I have to get going.." The shorter muttered, standing up from their place on the floor next to the wall.

The man shook his head. "I think we ought to get to know each other, don't ya think, cutie?" Tommy shuddered. "I'm sorry. I'm a minor," They took a slight step back when the clearly  older man reached out his hand.

"That doesn't really matter, though, does it?" He questioned, lowering his hand yet taking a step towards the shaking 14 year old. "Y-yes, yes it does, actually. It's illegal." Tommy stammered quickly, taking another step back. "Not to me." The man whispered, pushing Tommy against the wall harshly.

"S-sir, please back up." They rushed, fear flooding their body as they winced at the newfound headache caused by the impact of the wall. "No thank you. I prefer to get closer." The taller muttered, leaning in and kissing Tommy. Their eyes widened fearfully. "Mh- Mmph!" Tommy struggled, eagerly trying to push the man, who was now guiding both of them to the floor, off of them.

Tears slipped down Tommy's face as the man pinned their arms above them with his right hand, and used his left hand to slip under their shirt and rub up and down their sides lustfully. "Stop!" Tommy shouted, but was met with a harsh squeeze on their wrists, surely to leave a bruise.

"Hush, my lovely. Just be quiet, righty?" The man instructed, situating himself on Tommy's lap.

The man began straddling their lap, slipping his tongue into their mouth. Tommy whimpered tearfully as the man began to move up and down more aggressively.  "Now, love, be a dear and stay quiet." He demanded darkly. 

Tommy needed to react. Needed to move. Needed to unfreeze. Needed to shout. Needed to talk. Needed to fight

With all of their left over willpower, they took their knee and kneed the man in the abdomen. 

The taller man groaned out in pain, yet kept his hold on the young blonde. 

"TECHNO!" Tommy screamed at the top of their lungs, only to get slapped and a hand placed hurriedly and roughly over their mouth.

The door burst open, and in ran a panicked Techno and Wilbur. Their faces quickly changed from panic, to pure rage. "Get your filthy hands off of my fucking sibling!" Wilbur shouted, grabbing the mans hair and dragging him out of the bathroom, trying to get him away from Tommy as Phil came rushing in.

Tommy quickly curled in on themselves, wincing at the pain they felt when moving anything below their waist. "Toms," Techno cooed softly, frowning at the flinch subconsciously emitted from the younger when he walked forward. They whimpered quietly, muttering ineligible apologies as if it was their second nature, and it hurts Techno to think that at one point, it was.

"Theseus, I would never hurt you." He reassured them, walking towards Tommy slowly, hands visible at all times. "You know that, right?"

Tommy nodded immediately, unaware of the small smile that appeared on their brothers face at the immediate motion. Techno kneeled down infront of Tommy, and slowly, giving Tommy enough time to pull away, pulled Tommy into his arms gently. "I've got you now, bubs."

Tommy broke. Those few words have always done more for them then anything else in this world, and hearing it from their favorite person? That only broke them more. They're safe. They told themselves, repeating it every time Techno's hand went a bit to far down their back, or every time Phil gently rubbed their wrist, or the way Wilbur promptly busted the door in harshly, bloody coating his face, his knuckles, and his t-shirt.

I'm safe. 

I'm safe. 

I'm safe. 

I'm safe. 

I'm safe. 

I'm safe. 

I'm safe. 

I'm safe.

So why is the phantom feeling of the mans hands still there as Techno carries them to the car? Or the feeling of being restricted as they buckle the seatbelt? What about the soft yet suspenseful hum of a song on the radio reminding them of the tune the man quietly hummed every time Tommy whimpered or flinched?

They don't know. And maybe they never will, but they don't need too.

Because their family is here to help them heal this time. They're not alone anymore. The trauma isn't unnoticed. It isn't looked past, it isn't even doubted. So, as they finally fall asleep in the comfort of the family car, they can guarantee something.

The sky is blue, the sun is a star, and they are safe.


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