//The Ride OF Your life PT. 4//

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Standing with his feet rooted to the concrete beneath him, for the first time, Tubbo understood exactly why Tommy had been scared of Ranboo for so long. The man could be fucking terrifying— Tubbo was just glad none of the anger was directed at him.

Let's rewind.

A warm Tuesday in March was supposed to be fun. It was a school vacation week, and they were going to an amusement park.

It was supposed to be fun. And at first, it was.

It was 9:00am when Tubbo found himself sat beside Tommy, who took the middle seat between him and Ranboo, with Technoblade and Wilbur in the front seats. Until a few months ago Tommy's spot would have been Tubbo's, but Tommy had been getting better recently, and so the other members of their trio had been experimenting with the middle.

To an outsider it would be such a childish thing to obsess over: they were, by most accounts, far too old for things like this to matter. But when your best friend since you were eleven is too scared to sit next to anyone but you for years, the change becomes more significant. Tubbo assumed it was even more of an adjustment for Ranboo and especially Tommy.

The ride to the park was long, but not unbearably so. They arrived around 10:30am, just as the park opened for the day. Being a weekday in March, it was relatively empty, which meant all the fun with half the lines.

They got out of the car, and Ranboo slid his mask on, but left his eyes bare for the moment.

The trio said their goodbyes to Technoblade and Wilbur, who went off to do boring old people stuff or something— Tubbo didn't particularly care.

"We should go on that one first!" Tommy said pointing towards a large blue rollarcoaster.

"You sure you can? It might be fifteen and up only," Ranboo said with mock sympathy, to which Tommy glared. A few weeks ago they found a game rated 15+ and after being made fun of, Tommy had bought it out of spite. It sucked. Like it was actually one of the worst games Tubbo had ever played. Ranboo and Tubbo had yet to let Tommy live it down.

"I hate you." Tommy crossed his arms dramatically. While most wouldn't notice it, Tubbo couldn't help but see there was a certain tension in the blonde's shoulders as he waited for their approval, always scared any joke could be taken wrong. Tubbo didn't like to imagine what Tommy thought would happen if he crossed a line.

"Hate is a strong word, young man," Tubbo joined in against Tommy, hoping the joke would set him at ease. As far as he could tell, it did.

"I will bite you."

"Sorry, you must be at least fifteen to bite us."

"I'll stab you then."

"They don't sell knives to children, Tommy."

"You're barely older than me!"

"Nah. You're a child."


"Small baby man."

"I swear to god-"

"Itty bitty."

"I know someone under 6' did not just call me 'itty bitty.'"

"Well there's no need to get personal," Tubbo said, hand over his heart in mock offense.

"Yeah that was so insensitive Tommy."

Tommy froze for a second, and Tubbo thought they may have pushed too far, but the blonde just flipped them off.

"Real mature."

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