//Do You Hate Me? PT. 1//

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The day Ranboo moved onto 13th street, it was 16* Fahrenheit, with a bitter windchill. Anyone with common sense was hiding away indoors, ideally with hot cocoa and a heated blanket.

Unfortunately, two best friends were not blessed with such sense, and played outside to watch his family move boxes.

Eventually curiosity got the better of him, and Ranboo went over and introduced himself.

The shorter one, with dark hair, was named Tubbo. He smiled brightly and introduced the taller one, who was blonde, as Tommy. Tommy smiled slightly and waved, but said nothing as him and Tubbo made small-talk.

Tubbo and Ranboo were both 13, while Tommy still had another few months before his birthday. They all went to the same school, or would, at least, once Ranboo enrolled. Tubbo was an only child while Tommy had two brothers and Ranboo had an older sister.

After a particularly harsh gust of wind, they all settled on exchanging numbers (well, Tommy nodded at least) and dashed inside as fast as their frozen limbs could carry them. And the rest? Was history.

It was an unseasonably warm fall day, roughly a year and a half later when Ranboo was 14. Him and his two best friends, the "bench trio" as some people jokingly referred to them, were planning to walk out to their spot in the woods.

Tubbo had apparently found it when he was very young, and shown Tommy almost immediately. They were quick to show Ranboo once he arrived. The trio made a habit of going there as often as they could, provided the weather wasn't too awful.

There was only one problem: Tubbo had to help his dad with something, and couldn't go.

That shouldn't be a problem. It shouldn't be. Him and Tommy could go alone, right? They'd been friends forever, they didn't need Tubbo to buffer them.

They should be able to hang out alone— 'should' being the key word.

They never did that. Whenever Tubbo cancelled plans, Tommy would find a reason to too. Every time, without fail, if Tubbo couldn't do something, suddenly neither could Tommy.

Except for this time, apparently, and now Ranboo was getting ready to hang out with Tommy individually for the first time ever.

Of course, Ranboo was looking forwards to this! He had wanted to do this for a long time now. It was just that now that it was actually happening, he found himself surprisingly nervous.

Tommy and Ranboo's friendship was... complicated. That was the best word Ranboo had for it. Tommy talked to him now, at least, unlike on that first day when he practically hid behind Tubbo. Scratch that, he literally did hide behind Tubbo.

Ranboo remembered the first time Tommy spoke to him. It was the third time they met, and the three of them were gathered in Ranboo's kitchen. Tommy said "sorry." Ranboo couldn't remember what for, he was more shocked the boy spoke at all. But, he was familiar with social anxiety and knew pointing it out would make it worse. So he just smiled and said "don't worry about it."

To his shock, his words seemingly sunk in, because Tommy was a bit calmer after that: he talked more, made jokes, and when he left, Ranboo felt like he was finally making progress.

Now, months and months later he was beginning to doubt that.

It wasn't that him and Tommy didn't get along, that couldn't be further from the truth. They were best friends despite any problems they had. It was just that Tommy never really seemed to get over his initial fear. Everyone was nervous meeting new people, Ranboo knew that better than (almost) anyone, but it'd been over a year and Tommy was still terrified for some reason.

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