20; itll be okay

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Y/n's POV

I shake his sleeping body but I realize he is way too tired to talk to me. He's been waiting for me and it's obvious he was worried. I grab his phone from his chest and put it on his desk to charge. I grab his blanket and throw it over him as it was cold in there from the window being cracked open.

I walked over to the cracked open window and opened it fully to walk out on the balcony. The city was calm, I could see just a few stars but not too many due to the pollution. My thoughts flooded my mind, what are we gonna do? do i stop talking to miles? do i break up with him already? Can my aunt just get here already?! I need her. Her and my uncle are the only ones who listen to me besides when my mom was still alive.

"Y/n?" I heard the window being pulled open and turn to see a sleepy miles.

"Miles... Get some rest please." I say as I get up and enter his room again. He nods and walks over to the small closet. That's when I notice the big scratches all over his black suit.

"Miles? What happened to you?" I ask, my small smile fades away.

"I was looking for you and got into something it's not a big deal I swear."

"Are you sure? You know you can talk to me." I say softly as I lean against his desk.

"I know, Y/n. Thank you." He says after he picks out some clothes for bed.

I smile softly at him, still thinking about what the future has in store for us. It's all very unsure and that stressed me out.

"And you? Is something on your mind?" He walks towards me with his clothes in his hand.

"Oh ... no nothing." I chuckle nervously. "All good! Just was worried about you." I say, fidgeting with the watch in my pocket.

"Mmm. Okay. If you say so." He nods.

"Just please.. don't keep anything from me. We're a team now."

I nod at him with a soft smile. What am I supposed to do? Keep a secret? Tell him? I don't want to worry him but it seems he should know too. Maybe I should wait until Miguel tells me to?

"Hey... can you turn around? So... I can... change." He laughs nervously and his face heats up.

"Oh! Yeah sorry!!" I say with a laugh and turn around.

I wait patiently, still thinking about our relationship.

"I'm good you can turn around now." He chuckles. I turn to look at him and sigh. "You should really get some rest now, okay?"

"You're right, Y/n. I will." He says with a super sleepy laugh as he walks over to the bed and plops himself into it.

"Y/n..." He whispers as I'm grabbing his favorite blanket.

"Yes, miles?" I ask as I slowly put the blanket over him.

"Do you think this is gonna work out? I mean... this whole super hero dating thing. Do you think it'll be okay?" He whispers, his eyes slowly closing.

".." I hesitated a bit. "As long as it's me and you, it'll always be okay." I say softly, standing up.

"Goodnight miles." I whisper to him but before I could walk away I feel his hand grab my wrist.

"Stay. Please." He says looking up into my eyes.

"Miles, we could get into huge trouble.." I say with a sigh.

"Please, Y/n." He pouts.

"Fine." I say with a smile. I lie down next to him and look into his eyes until we fall asleep softly. The soft wind outside putting us to sleep.


"Lyla, this still doesn't make any sense. How hasn't one of them died? How is it that they're both able to be Spider-Man and woman together?" He asks, slamming his fists into his desk with frustration.

"Woah easy there, Miguel." She says as she looks through information as to why it could be.

"I don't know, Miguel. there's no proper explanation as to why this could be happening, it just is."

"Fuck. This could ruin everything we've built." He says, shoving his hands into his face.

"Miguel, you know how to fix this immediately. So why don't you?"

"Because there are a lot of outcomes to the solution. It's not just one simple task, it's a task that can lead to multiple things." He says, messing around with his small screens.

"What the fuck do I do? I usually don't care and I do whatever it takes but why can't I decided?!" He screams.

"It's because she looks like Gabi, isn't it?" Lyla asks, glitching to be in front of his angered body.

"I don't know but it's pissing me off even more. I need to hurry up and figure out what I'm gonna do already before I fuck everything up again." He says, stepping away from his desk and stomping down the hall, to go and figure something out.

Hii guys..... I'm back again

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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