chapter 2

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Alora was panicking, for she could not understand why her eyes were solid black. Nyx was interested in learning more about what caused it.
"What is the last thing you remember before this all happened?" Nyx asked Alora. Alora thought about it, then realized it was after she talked to Liam. Nyx thought it was weird, but went with it. Alora asked Nyx "Why are my eyes black? this is scaring me." Nyx made Alora calm down, then told her to go home with her after school.

Alora wore sunglasses for the rest of the school day. Everyone thought Alora was trying to be cool, but instead found her weird. Alora passed Liam in the hall, Liam said to her "Heard that you were coming over after school. It will be cool to get to know you better." Alora just smiled then kept walking.

At Nyx's house, Nyx took Alora into the basement. Alora looked around and thought the basement looked like an emergency room. Nyx went to get her mom, so they can help Alora. Nyx came back with her mom, Victoria, to figure out why Alora's eye are black. Victoria asked Alora for family history, but Alora knew nothing about her family. Victoria asked if Alora was possibly had a demon in the family bloodline, "NO!" Alora shockingly shouted. Victoria explained to her that black eyes usually represent a demon in disguise.
Victoria then took a blood sample explaining if the blood is green, Alora is, without a doubt, a demon.
When Victoria got Alora's blood sample, she gasped. Nyx and Alora were both asking with fear "what, what is it?" Victoria told Alora, "you can not tell anyone what you are. No one can ever know of this gift. Alora, do you understand me?" Alora got scared, she didn't know anything about her family, learned she might possibly be a demon.

Alora was starting to leave, but on her way out, Liam stopped her. "I know your eyes are pitch black, but it's not a bad thing. Do you want to hang out?" Alora nodded her head yes.
The two snuck into Alora's house through the bay window. "So this is my house. My mom is down in the kitchen making dinner, so we have to be quiet." Liam explained that he understands that Alora is scared, he too, went through it.

When Liam was 5 years, his family went on a camping trip around the month of November. It was very cold, 36 degrees out. Liam went to play while his parents started a fire for warmth.
While out playing, Liam found a lake. Liam wanted to go out by the lake to see if it was frozen. Under the full moon, something ran and hit Liam; he fell in the lake. Liam's parents went to find him, then panicked when they saw him in the lake. They rushed him to the emergency room, where he was pronounced dead. Liam opened his eyes as his parents were crying at his bedside. All Liam heard was the ringing of his heart monitor. The doctor checked his temperature. Liam had a temperature of -96 degrees. The doctor could not explain it, he recommended that they take Liam to another doctor.
A few days passed, and Liam was in the kitchen while his dad prepared dinner. Liam's dad accidentally cut his hand while chopping carrots. The blood exposed made Liam lose who he was. The last thing he remembered was the smell of his dad's blood, the next being his mom finding him in the corner of his room with blood all over his face.
Liam's mom left him with his aunt, for she did not know how to raise what she called 'a murderer'.

Present day, Liam told Alora what happened to him as a child. "My eyes used to be brown, but when I turned sixteen, my eye color turned red." Alora was confused as to why Liam was telling her all of this he explained "I know what it's like to be different, I'm a vampire. I'm here if you need to talk it out." Alora's eye were no longer black, she got her big beautiful brown eyes back. Liam was getting ready to leave, but turned around to say "I hope I help in a way." Alora smiled claiming that he did.

Alora went downstairs for dinner. While at the dinner table, Indigo came in proudly saying "I made shrimp parm!" Alora was happy to have dinner with her mom after the day she had. Alora hoped the rest of the school week would be normal, but she knew deep down it wouldn't be.

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