Chapter 9

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At school, Liam walked the halls, and noticed Alora just staring at her locker. Liam walked up to check on her but she just looked at him saying "I'm not in the mood." Liam knew something was wrong with Alora, and wanted to help in anyway he could. Liam decided to talk to Nyx about Alora, "She's been acting weird, I hope she's okay. The last few days she seems like something happened." Liam told Nyx, but Nyx explained that Alora is learning how to use her power at proper times.

Alora felt a little empty inside, she felt like she had to know who she is. Alora felt like all she was good for was demonic stuff. Alora was sitting on the bleacher waiting for volleyball practice, but instead got frustrated for Emma Amelia came in saying "Oh look, the freak shows in town." Emma started to laugh, but then a volleyball hit her in the face, causing her to have a bloody nose. Alora wondered "Did I do that? Did I just bash Emma Amelia's face with a volleyball?" Nyx walked up to Alora asking "What did you do?" Alora looked at Nyx with confusion and shock over what happened.

Alora walked into the Harrington's home asking Victoria "What am I? You took my blood sample and panicked. Am I more than just a demon? Am I a weird breed of something?" Victoria stood in silence looking at Alora then took her down to the basement.
In the basement, Victoria pulled out Alora's file from when she was there last. Alora read the file that said: Alora M. Guard. blood type unknown. DNA shows signs of succubus, along with traits of being an angel.
Alora was unsure as to what a succubus was, so she asked Victoria. Victoria explained to Alora "A succubus is a certain breed of a demon... They only come from the bloodline of Satan. You are part of the lineage of evil." Alora started to cry learning she is related to the devil, and some how an angel. Alora couldn't stop crying, so Victoria hugged her tightly saying "I hope one day, you learn it's not that bad. You are truly a gift to have in life." Alora was still crying, but was starting to calm down.

Alora went home and her mother got ready for thier next lesson. Alora was walking with her mother to the forest, thinking about what she had learned. "Mom, what is a succubus?" Alora decided to ask her mother. Indigo stopped, turned around, and looked at Alora wondering where she heared that word, she also feared that Alora knew who her father was. Alora said "I was doing some research and learned a little bit about succubus, and I wanted to know what it is exactly." Indigo explained that succubus were powerful demons, but that they had no association with them. Alora knew her mother was lying, but she was determined to learn the truth.

Out in the forest, Indigo taught Alora how to manipulate the flowers in the forest, making the flowers and nature work for them. Alora picked up on the trick quickly, knowing would most likely use this in the future. Alora and Indigo were in the forest for about three hours til Alora mastered the trick of manipulation.
Alora manipulated a sunflower to wrap around her mother's leg, but started to make it tight. Alora felt the flame from within so strong, her eyes turned black. Indigo implied that Alora should stop, but the sunflower got tighter. "Stop it Alora, you're going to break my leg!" Indigo yelled at her daughter. Alora lost all control, and just stared at her mother's leg about to break, the skin got a small slit, blood was dripping down to the grass. Alora still stared and had not one care. Indigo had to throw Alora across the field, the flower released, and fell to the ground. Indigo ran to Alora to see if she was okay, but Alora hit her head on a rock, knocking her out.

Liam sat in his room, thinking about Alora. Liam missed her a little bit, but felt weird considering he had just been dumped a few months prior to meeting Alora. Liam felt he wasn't good enough for Alora, he saw Alora as an angel even though she had demonic powers. Liam was truly falling for Alora, but he did not know how to pursue her.

At school, Liam saw Alora in the hall, but did not know how she would act towards him. Liam decided to say hello, and Alora happily responded "Hey, it's been so long since we have actually talked. We should have dinner this weekend." Liam answered with a confusion in his voice "Okay, that sounds good. Your place at 7?" Alora got a big smile on her face, and walked away. Alora felt happy inside do to all she has learned the last few days, along with almost breaking her mother's leg. Alora had hell's flame burning brighter than ever within herself.

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