Chapter 32

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      Indigo couldn't believe that her husband was standing before her at that moment. "Logan, where have you been?" Indigo asked, with tears filling her eyes. Logan explained that he didn't have much time, but needed to see her. Logan went on to tell Indigo, "I have been watching Alora, I'm her guardian angel. I had to leave. You all were in danger, so I gave my life up to protect Alora for all the days that she may live." Indigo placed her hand on the side of Logan's face. Logan held Indigo's hand, treasuring every second they had together. Indigo stared into her husband's beautiful white eyes, remembering the man that she had fallen in love with.

      Alora sat with Nyx and Brian in the guest house, talking about winter formal. Nyx was excited that Alora would finally get to experience what winter formal is. Alora was nervous, but she had hope that she would be able to control herself from becoming The Toxic One. Nyx tried calming Alora down, telling her, "You are not going to kill anyone or anything at winter formal. I think your dream was just triggered by stress." Alora wanted to believe Nyx, but in her heart, she knew the truth.

After Indigo collected herself, she went back out to the BBQ. James saw Indigo and asked her if she heard what he was asking. Indigo was confused by what James was talking about. James got down on his knee and pulled out a ring, asking Indigo to marry him. Alora and Brian saw James proposing from the window. The two kids ran to the window to see what was going to happen. Indigo thought about everything she had been through with James, but none of it was nearly as special as the life she had with Logan. Indigo cried tears of sadness, for she was happy with James, but knew, he was not the one. Indigo, with tears in her eyes, said, "James, I really do love you, but I can't marry you." James got embarrassed but tried to brush over the situation. Indigo apologized to James, but he walked into the house. Brian and Alora were in shock by what took place.

      Indigo dropped Nyx and Alora off at the Harrington's home. Alora decided to spend time with Liam. Liam told Alora how much he missed her. Alora decided to spend the night with Liam. The two laid in bed. Alora asked Liam if he was still excited for winter formal. Liam was worried for Alora to go to winter formal, but lied, saying, "I can't imagine anything better than taking you to winter formal." Alora kissed Liam, then decided to take his shirt off. Liam and Alora got undressed and continued kissing.

      That night, Liam had a nightmare. In his dream, Alora was hiding from everyone at winter formal. When Liam found her, she was in her true form, hiding under the bleachers. Liam tried talking to her, but she couldn't hear him. He tried yelling her name, but he assumed the music was too loud. He walked around the gymnasium and found Nyx. Nyx had a bullet hole in her stomach, and Brian was holding her closely while crying. Liam ran to Nyx, but they couldn't hear him. He tried touching Nyx, but his hand went through her. Liam looked over to the side, seeing a body. The body looked like his but had no head attached.

      Liam woke up and quickly sat up out of bed. He was covered in sweat. When he looked around the room, he saw Alora laying next to him. Liam feared for what the future had in store. Alora woke up, seeing Liam sat up. Alora sat up with him, rubbing his back. Liam claimed, "I just had a bad dream. Everything is fine." Alora laid back down, soon joined by Liam. The two peacefully slept for the rest of the night.

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