this part is very sloppy and spicy!!

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I saw her put her hands behind her back like she was nervous. "H-Hi my name" Her voice was stratchy, and she was looking at the floor and rocking back on fourth. I almost felt back for her.

I handed the babies to Richard and stepped closer to her and let my hand out, "my name is Lucy." I smiled and saw she raised her head to look at me and smiled a bit. She hugged me, I had no times to react to that, instead I hugged her back in confusion.

I saw her smile, I smiled back looking down at her. "Oh..k- ok me and Lucy have to go, and if we ever have time we'll come back on Thanksgiving and never came back, ever.again. so ya know we have to go were truly sorry."

He pulled my arm and tried to drag me out. "We don't have to go just yet." Richard rolled his eyes and looked back at me. "Well then we have to."

I pinned my eyebrows and looked a him with a death stare. " can go..right! And I can stay. So you go home and I stay with the babies." It didn't take long for him to do the exact stare. "Please..please don't take them.." we both stopped and looked back at the little girl with her hands behind her back again.

"Yeah..please don't take them richard.." He rolled his eyes and looked back at me. "They will stay and were leaving sense you wanna leave so bad." Richard stared at me, I was waiting for him to disagree instead just agreed to my offer. "Fine..but if we ever..and I mean ever came back to get them..then your going to be the one to get them. Am never coming back here."

I smiled a bit, I tried to hide it away from him. He dragged me out the room and out the house, he slammed the door  and continued to drag me to the car, he opened the car door and shoved me in the car. He didn't give me anytime for me to close, he slammed the door before I could.

He got on the other side of the car and opened the door and hopped in and slammed it. I sighed and looked over at him. "Baby.." I called out silently. He put a his hand on my cheek and sighed. "What?" I looked at him in the eye and responded. "What's wrong? Your being to rough and mean to me again." I frowed and looked at him with doe eyes.

He moved his hand away from my cheek and on to his lap, He turned away from me. I put my chin on his shoulder still Looking at him. "Richie what's wrong? Tell me!" He didn't answer. "Rich." Still no response.

I repeated his name, I gave up when he put a hand om the wheel. I looked down at his hand and turned to the window. "Fine. I wanna go home." I said and felt his hand on my chin. He turned my head and leaned in and kissed me.

I never wanted it to stop, but it did. I immediately kissed him back after he pulled his hand off my chin. "Eager huh?" I bit my lip and shook my head.
He put his hand on the wheel and turned back to me.

"You always make me feel something." I smiled and stared back at him. "Like what?" Still biting my lip. " I mean you make me feel like am on top of the world whenever I look at you. I mean your the only person who truly cares about me and that's what I like about you..about us I mean."

I giggled and looked at the window. "That is the most lamest shit I've ever heard from you. Words like that coming from you is fake." He laughed and put his hand on my lap. "Am serious, I mean I don't wanna be the mean bad guy all the time. I just got out of jail I wanna be a fresh new man now, I don't Wanna be the guy you see at some grocery store and they now know what you did in your past life and say 'hey are you that guy who killed somebody.' I wanna be a completely new man starting now. And am being a completely new guy to you, like you just met me at a party and now we're like that power couple, like nothing can stop us ya know?"

My smile grew wider. "Richard what are you talking about?" He leaned his head back to the seat. "Am saying..if ya know you want to..because i-" I sighed and looked back at him. "Richard just say it."
He sighed and moved his hand from my lap to his. "Am saying if you wanna...if you consider on"

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