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Third person's p.o.v.

Today was Saturday and Hailey got up earlier than she planned to. Last night when she went to bed something was on her mind, which didn't let her sleep. After 2 hours she still couldn't sleep so she decided to write it out of herself. These lines were still in her head repeating themselves over and over.
When Hailey opened her notebook and grabbed the pen her phone buzzed.

"Who could this be? It's like 1 a.m" she taught to herself and checked her phone. She got an email which only turned out to be a spam mail so she ignored it and continued to write the lyrics.
Hailey loved songwriting and basically everything that connects to music, but she is also glad that she gave Jake another chance. While they were on bad terms she missed him really much but now that the club is complete again she felt relieved. Maybe she knew from the beginning that she will eventually forgive him. No matter how he hurt her deep down Hailey always knew that Jake would never say those things about them.

"God it's already 2:30, I should probably sleep now. I finish it later." Tought Haikey as she put down her notebook and finally went to bed.

Hailey's p.o.v.

I woke to someone calling my name and knocking on the door.
"What?" I ask as I slowly open my eyes.
"Finally! It's time to get up or we're gonna be late!" Zander says as he stops knocking. "Oh shoot! I forgot to put my alarm on."
I quickly get up and dress up as fast as I can. I check the time which says 8:23
and we're supposed to meet the others at the mall at 9.
When I arrive to the door Zander is already waiting for me. "Took you long enough" He says as we leave the house. "Sorry forgot to set an alarm" I reply with a yawn "You stayed up late didn't you?" Zander asks as we continue walking a little faster "You know me well. I had some ideas for a song which didn't let me sleep so I write it out myself" "You and your brilliant lyrics" He says with a sigh and we notice Luke waiting for us.

We planned a meeting in front of Satcy's Mamma Mia and when we got there everyone was there except for Jake. Of course.
"Hey Guys!" I greet them as they greet us too. "Looking tired Sean" Milly comments as Sean laughs. "Yeah, I had some stuff to do.."
We keep chatting until Jake finally arrives. "Sorry I'm a bit late" He says as we take a seat in the pizzeria.
After we picked out what pizza should we eat and started chatting Jake asked a   surprising question "Hails when are we writing a new song together? Another duet would be awsome!" He asks and I froze down a little bit "Yeah a new song from you two would be great! You guys sound amazing together." Sean agrees.
"To be honest I've thought that me and Jake should write another song, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to sing. I could sing in the competition but I still wasn't sure. Tough Jake gave me hope."
"Hailey?" Luke calls out my name "Oh sorry what did you say?" I asked
"Well we just want know if you're into another duet" Luke repeats "Oh umm yeah sure, let's do it" I agree.
After the food came out Milly started complaining that her parents didn't let her play on her guitar which was a common event because she likes to play on full volume in the evenings.
We've had a lot of fun during our hangout. It became Milly and Jake's habit to always dance to the elevator music.
Around 4 p.m everyone went their separate ways. Zander and Luke went to the park while Sean had to work on Saturday afternoon? and Milly went to the flower shop. Me and Jake were the only ones who didn't have any plans.
"So princess, should we head to my place and start writing?" He asks
A slight blush appears on my cheeks "God this nickname..." "Sure, let's go"
We started heading to Jake's place, but we were silent for almost halfway now
"So have you collected enough confidence to ask Daisy out?" I ask curiously "Well not yet...My confidence flies away instantly at that point, but maybe I should give up." Jake says
"Give up? What's gotten into you? You head over heels for Daisy" "It feels different a bit so I'm not even sure now." He replies as we continue our way to his house "Jake, have you written any song?" I ask as I look up to him "Well I've had a notebook where I used to write songs but I don't use it anymore." "What did you write about?" I ask as he sighs "You know when I was bullied mostly I would write about accepting others and not judging them, but later there were one or two love songs..." He says kind of embarrassed at the end of his sentence. "There is no need to feel embarrassed about it. Love is a strong feeling which is why people write about it often.It makes us feel like we're in the clouds and that we're overjoyed" I assure him as we finally go to his house.

"Sorry if my brother will disturb us, he can be really annoying." Jake says as we enter his bedroom.
He gestures me to sit down and I take out my notebook. "You carry that everywhere?" He asks with a small laugh. "You don't know when you'll get inspiration"
Time flies as we're writing the song and Jake's brother enters the room. He looks surprised to see me but than greets us
"I didn't know you were bringing your girlfriend over Jake" Milo smirks as Jake shakes his head "Can you please leave?" He asks "Geez sorry for interrupting your make out session" I blush at his comment, but I should get used to this since he always teases his brother like this. When Milo leaves Jake excuses himself to the bathroom so I stay in his room alone. "Jake was a good company I liked hanging out with him. He has great humor as well. Tough he likes teasing me a lot which always causes me to turn a bit red and he seems to enjoy seeing me get embarrassed." I think as a chuckle at my own thoughts.
Jake comes back with two glasses of orange juice and gives one to me.
"Thanks" I say "So Hails, what are your thoughts about our new song" He asks
"It still has a long way before we will completely finish it but so far so good" I say looking at the notebook. We start chatting when my phone buzzes, I take it out of my pocket and check it. It was another email, but now it wasn't just a spam mail. It was a request for us to sing on a festival which will be in July so we would have plenty of time for us to practice. They also mentioned that If we accept the request than we need to perform 5 songs.
"Hailey is everything alright?" Jake asks
"Jake! We got a request for a concert!" I shout excitedly "Wait really?" He asks and I show him the email.
"Yes!" I reply
Than he suddenly grabs me by the waist and spins me around in the air.
I was shocked and blushed immediately  by his sudden action.
"Oh umm sorry... I don't know what's gotten into me... I'm just really excited and happy about this request. " He says just as red as I am. "I get it I'm happy about this too, but we need to talk this through with the others." I say and Jake calls the group chat immediately.

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