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Jake's p.o.v

We sat on the floor just looking into each other's eyes with our hands holding the other's as silence lays upon us. I don't know what got into me because I didn't think about breaking the eye contact even for a second. Hailey also didn't seem to end the situation, so she just gave me a warm and big smile instead. I returned it as I started to feel my cheeks heating up, which she has also realised because her face also went completely red, now breaking the eye contact. She quickly pulled her hand away, leaving mine alone without her warmth. "I'm so sorry Jake! I don't know what got into me- Let's just forget about this and continue studying." She gabbled, turning away from me to grab the chips and her book. I couldn't say anything for a moment as the words just disappeared from my head until I managed to say out a "Yeah, let's do that."

As we continued studying... well, at least I tried to because my mind kept repeating the same moment over and over again. Just by looking at Hailey, the moment keeps flashing before my eyes, which causes me to blush. "How did this even happen without either of us pulling away?" I asked myself. "I can't lie, though, a weird feeling appeared inside me which I can't really put anywhere now. And what about Hailey? What does she think about this?" I thought but quickly tried to remind myself to focus on studying.

As I was highlighting some important information, I took a chips out of the bag, but my hands brushed against Hailey's. She looked at me with a slight blush but quickly looked away as I smiled awkwardly. "Man, this is gonna be awkward." I thought.

A few hours passed, and my brain started to give out and go completely useless, so I decided to start convincing Hailey to go somewhere.
"Hey Princesssss, I'm starting to lose my mind, so let's go get some fresh air." I suggested as Hailey put down her notebook. "Well, I mean a little break can't hurt." She replied, which made me surprised how she instantly agreed.
I got up, stretched my arms out, and pulled up Hailey from her seat. She gave me a smile, then let my hand go as she grabbed her phone, and slid it into her pocket. "Let's go now, shall we?" She asked as I followed her out of her room.

When we got out of the house, Hailey suggested a quick stroll around the park nearby. We started making our way towards to park just enjoying the weather and the fresh air when I decided to break the silence and start a conversation. "I think we did a good job with studying, so we better get a good grade on this." I said. "I really hope so, and to be honest, it wasn't that bad studying with you." The teal haired girl said. "Well, of course it wasn't bad. What did you expect? That I won't let you study and just fool around the whole time?" I asked jokingly. "Well, yeah, kinda?" She said with a giggle. "I thought you knew me better, Princess..." I said, acting insulted. "I don't know, but we should study together some other time too." She answered with a smile.

As we continued chatting, we came across an ice cream stand, and I decided to get some for us.
"So which one would you like Hails?" I asked as I looked through the options.
"I think I go with the peach one." Hailey replied. "Okay, then we would like a peach one and a blueberry one." I say to the man while handing out the money for him. "Uh Jake, you don't have to pay for mine..." The teal haired girl says," But I just ignore her.
As we get our ice cream, we head to a nearby bench and sit down. I hand Hailey her ice cream and take a lick at mine. The blueberry flavour was really delicious. It wasn't too sweet but that's how it was good. "So how is yours?" I ask Hailey as she seems to like hers as well. "It's really good, but still I want to repay you." She replies while searching for her money from her pocket. "Calm down Princess. It's my treat so don't bother paying for it." I reassured her while she looked at me with an 'Are you  sure' face which I nodded at. "Well then thank you. I'll treat you some other time." Hailey says while eating her ice cream. "Want to try it?" I ask, offering her mine. She looks at me as a slight blush creeps onto her cheeks then let's out a sigh. "You sure?" She asks still with a pink cheek. "Mhm" I replied. She took my ice cream and tasted it, then gave it back to mee. "So?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "It's good. Although I'm not a big blueberry fan but I still think it's good." She replied. "Want to try mine?" She asks, handing her ice cream to me which I take. The peach flavoured one was really good too, but the blueberry was better for me. I handed Hailey back her ice cream. "It's delicious but it's a bit too sweet for me." I said.

We chatted until we've finished our ice creams, then decided to head back to Hailey's house. "Today went by quick." Hailey said. "Yeah I agree. Time goes by fast if you have great company." I agreed while checking the time on my phone. "I just grab my stuff from your house then head home. Its getting kinda late and my mom told me to be home for dinner." I said as we continued put way back to Hailey's house.

When we arrived back I went to grab my stuff from Hailey's room. After I did and started making my way towards the front door I bumped into someone. Of course it had to be Zander.
"Hi Jake, say what were you doing in my sister's room?" He asks. "Umm we've studied together and I just went to grab my stuff to leave?" I answered with a questioning look. "Zander you don't have to be so paranoid" I reassured him. "Yeah right like it's totally normal that a guy comes out of my sister's room." The lavender haired boy replied. "Well Zander it's not really your business if a guy comes out of my room, but we were only studying." Hailey says appearing behind her brother. Zander just rolls his eyes and goes back to his room.
When we arrive to the door I say goodbye to Hailey.  "Thanks for studying with me today." Hailey says with a smile on he face. "It's no problem Princess, I had fun, and of course, I became smarter." I said with a giggle. "Hey Jake we have to write songs some other time too you know." The teal haired girl says. "Yep I'll keep that in mind." I replied. "Uhh yeah and thanks for having me. I'll see you on Monday." I say as Hailey waves at me and I head home.

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