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Jake's p.o.v

So yesterday I asked Hailey for some tips and today I will finally confess to Daisy. I've been planning to confess to Daisy for years now, but I always had an excuse not to. "I guess I'm just afraid of her answer".

Yesterday evening I texted Daisy if she could meet me after school on the rooftop so until than I hid the red flower in my locker. "Ok Jake just don't stress to much about it alright? What's the worst that could happen? Rejection.... of course..."

As I headed towards the classroom where my first period takes place I ran into Lia. "Oh hi Jake!" She greeted me with a smile "Hi Lia. Were you sick? I haven't seen you in school in the past few days." I questioned the black haired girl "Mhm. And how are you and the club doing?" She asked "We are doing good actually, just working on new songs for an upcoming concert" I replied scratching the back of my head. "Wait did you say concert?" Lia asked with a shocked expression. "Yep, you've heard that right. We've got a request for a summer festival in town so we're working hard to perform 5 songs there. It's not that many songs, but we're really excited about it." I said proudly. "Wow Jake, congrats to you guys! When I was watching your performance in the competition, I was taken aback by how good you guys actually were. So I'm looking forward to hear you guys again with 4 other song." She said with a warm smile. "Thanks Lia. Anyway how are you and Zoey doing?" I asked as she sighted "Well I kinda left her. After your speech and Hailey's words I tought about it and you guys were right. We've bullied the club members just because their interest and I also did it to just please Zoey. And now that I think about it, it was a really childish act..." She said as she spotted someone behind and waved at them. I turned around to see Hailey by her locker taking the book out for her first period and looking at us, so I waved at her too. She just waved back and after she closed her locker she came up to us. "Hi Jake. Hi Lia..." She greets us not sure how to act around the black haired girl. "Hey Hailey. Look I was hoping to talk to you. You know in private to just...talk about the things that happened between us..." Lia says not looking at Hailey while waiting for her response. I had no idea what they're talking about so I just stood there. "Look Lia if Zoey sent yo-" Hailey started but was cut off by Lia "No, you're misunderstanding the situation. I'm no longer friends with her so I just want to make things right..." Lia says ,hoping Hailey will hear her out. I take a look at Hailey and a shocked expression appears on her face not sure what to say. "Umm... than I guess we can talk later..." The teal haired girl responds as Lia looks up with a relief. "Thank you. Let's meet after school." Lia says as she leaves not waiting for Hailey's reply.  "Umm...What just happened?" I ask. "To be honest. I have no idea." Hailey replies still with a shocked expression as I laugh at her response.

Lia's p.o.v

I'm sure that when I had left Hailey for Zoey and her friends the only thing I wanted was to be popular and not to be called a 'Freak' or 'Nerd'. Now I know it was a big a mistake. Zoey was great, but at the same time a bully too. Just like me...but I want to change "It's never too late to do that, right?" It would be great if Hailey could give me another chance. Well I kinda ruined the club's friendship with Jake by the audio just to send more time with him. "Gosh. How many horrible things did I do to just be with a guy?" After I saw Jake and Hailey on stage singing a duet, I saw a spark between them. "I mean they would look great together I can't deny that." I tought as I smiled. "Let's hope for the best with Hailey."

After school

Hailey's p.o.v

At lunchbreak, I ran into Lia so she told me to meet her in the school garden after school. She seemed desperate about making things right, but I hear her out first.
When we were heading toward the club room to rehars at lunch break, Jake was fully stressed. Than I realised that he's gonna confess to Daisy today. This still gave me a sad feeling, but I tried to ignore it.

After my last class was over I picked up all my things that I will bring home and headed straight to the garden. As I opened to door I immediately spotted Lia who was waiting for me on one of the benches. When she noticed me, she waved at me with a smile. I took a seat next to her as she took a deep breath to start the conversation. "Look Hailey, what I will say now doesn't mean that you need to forgive me. I know how I treated you and your friends was a mistake, but mainly that I left our friendship over reputation. I wanted to stop being a 'Freak' , so I picked up a mask to act like someone I wasn't just to be noticed by someone popular. I didn't notice that I'm not actually like this. It took me time to realise it, and the things I said to other people just to keep my status. You warned me many times that I wasn't doing the right thing, but I ignored it. I only realised it when it was too late. My friendship with Zoey after that was not the same anymore so I decided to finally leave her and take the mask of and be like who I really am. Now here I am trying to resolve things between me and my old friend." She says as exhales the breath which she kept in.
Images start appearing before my eyes when me and Lia were just hanging out in middle school. When we were studying together or walking around the park just chatting. Sometimes when I think back to it I miss those memories. Even now I miss them, but I don't know what to say.
Lia looks at me waiting for my response. "Lia... look.... I'm glad that you turned to the right direction and how you finally realised your actions, but can you give me time to think this through?" I reply finally as she nods "Of course, take your time Hailey. This is better than a 'no' so there's no need to rush." She says as we walk to the entrance together.

Meanwhile with Jake

I was waiting for Daisy on the rooftop when I heard the door open behind me. Of course it was Daisy. The wind breezed through her hair as she smiled
"Hi Jake! You wanted to talk?" The white haired girl asks in a sweet tone. "Y-yeah. I need to ask you something..." I begin taking a deep breath. "Sure, go ahead" She says "So umm... Daisy... do you remember the day when my notebook was taken away in middle school?..." She just nod as a response "So umm... from that moment I've always adored you and tought how amazing person you are. You were the only one who didn't make fun of me for my interests and talked to me without being bothered by others opinion. And even now you were the one to encourage me to join the music club and to take part in the competition...So what I'm trying to say is that... I have feelings for you..." I say looking into her beautiful blue eyes and giving the rose to her. She stared at me in shock as I waited for her reply which seemed like ages to come out. "Jake...I didn't know you had these type of feelings towards me... and I'm sorry to disappointed you, but I don't feel the same way..." She says  as I starred at the ground with wide eyes. "God, my biggest nightmare come to life... But now that I think about it, it doesn't hurt as much as I tought it would. Strange..." I look up to her I smile "It's okay, I guess I just needed to finally get it out of myself." I say with a sad smile. "I'm sorry Jake.." Daisy says looking worriedly at me "No, no, no It's fine. Really." I say reassuring her about her response.

(I know I'm bad at writing confessions)

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