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Hailey's p.o.v

It was Thursday already and the time passed by really fast. I still haven't given an answer to Lia, but I will need to eventually. Today I walked to school with Zander and Luke like usually, but after they started dating I've felt like bit of a third wheel. I am happy for them and everything and they've also included me into their conversation, but you know how this is. You can always feel a bit uncomfortable when your hanging out with a couple. At least when your the only one with them. Luckily Zander and Luke kept the PDA to the minimum with just a greetings kiss.

"And than he kept bragging about his 'precious jacket' which he found at a thrift store." Zander complaines about some random phone call. "Umm...Say who was this again?" Luke asks with an unsure look on his face. "A random guy from 'State Farm'.." Zander says and Luke just nods in response. I just giggle at them as we slowly arrive to the school.

"I'm curious how Jake's confession went." I knew about his feeling for the white haired head-girl, but still something still felt a bit off inside me. It was a strange feeling which I couldn't figure out what it was exactly, and I've tried to avoid it but it just keeps coming back every time Jake mentions Daisy.

My first class wasn't with Luke nor Zander so they went their own way leaving me alone at our lockers. I let out a sigh when suddenly someone jumps on my back. "Good Morning Hailey!" Says the voice which I recognise because it belongs to our dear Milly.
I just giggle and greet her with a smile on my face. "So Hailey, what's the plan for today's rehearsal?" She asks putting her hands on her hips. "Well I tought maybe we could discuss further plans for other songs. You know about the song's theme or maybe lines for the lyrics." I reply. "Well I won't be much of a help with the lyrics but maybe I can give you inspiration" She says with a confident look on her face. "I bet you will" I respond to her. "So umm.... Did you know Jake confessed to Daisy yesterday?" I ask out of curiosity while trying to spot Jake in the hallway. "He did? Well that's new. And how did it go?" She raises an eyebrow. "I'm not sure, but let's hope the best for him." I say as I check the time on my phone. "We still have 15 minutes so if you don't mind I have uh... some stuff to do..." The pink haired girl says with a slight blush on her face. I just smirk at her as she leaves to the garden where a pink haired guy is watering the flowers. I smile at them, feeling happy for Milly and leave to the rooftop. The rooftop isn't my hiding place, but Jake's is so I slightly hoped he will he there.

As I opened the door to the rooftop and looked around, but I saw no one. Still I sat down on the ground next to the fence and took out my notebook. A few minutes may have passed when I spotted the unfinished lyrics I've written on Saturday. I started searching for perfect words in the next line when I've heard someone's footsteps are coming closer and closer. I looked up into the door's direction and saw the peach haired boy with a gloomy expression on his face.
I put away my notebook and ran up to him. "Jake, you ok?" I ask with a concerned look."Yep, I'm totally fine..." He responded, not looking at me. "Jake, you know I'm always here for you. You can tell me anything." I reassure him. He takes a deep breath and speaks up. "I got rejected," He says as my eyes widen. "Did I just hear that right? Daisy rejected him?"
I quickly snapped out of my toughts and hugged Jake tightly. "I'm sorry Jake. I'm here to help with anything if I can." I say as he nods and hugs me back.

A few seconds pass, but neither of us breaks the hug, so we just stand there in silence. I feel my cheeks warming up as we're hugging, so I pull myself away from him. A smile appears on Jake's face as he looks directly into my eyes, still not saying a word. I stare at him, feeling my cheeks getting warmer and warmer by every second.
The ring breaks the silence between us, so we both head to our class which we have together today "Well great. This will be awkward." I thought to myself as we took a seat next to each other.

Jake's p.o.v

"Man, what did I just do on the rooftop? It was nothing, but still Hailey is someone really important to me. I just got her back, so I shouldn't ruin things between us." I think while trying to focus to the teacher in the front. I turn to look at Hailey, who is taking notes and listens to our teacher.
Even though Daisy told me she can't return my feelings, I still don't feel as sad as I should. Like, it hurts a bit that I got rejected, but at the same time, I saw how Daisy and Sean were hanging out quite often, so I guess there might be something between us. I know Sean told me that they aren't dating, but just looking at them, I can't help but think that not too soon they will. Which I don't mind now that I know I have no chance with Daisy. I would be happy for them and also after this Daisy and I can still be friends.

At Lunchbreak

The five of us entered the club room and sat down to the table. Before Hailey joined us, we just talked about the festival, which is waiting for us in the summer break. "Soooo Jake, how did your confession go?" Milly asked with a smirk while the others just looked me in shock. "Well-" I started, but our Dear Zander cut me off before I could finish "Wait wait wait... What confession ? And how did we not know about it?" Zander asks, still in shock. "Zander, I think he was just about to tell us..." Luke says as he puts his arm around Zander, which causes the pianist to blush. "Go on...." The lavender haired boy says. "So as I was about to say, I finally gained enough confidence to ask Daisy out. Which I did yesterday but.... Well I got rejected..." I say as they remain silent. After a few seconds Luke speaks up. "You got rejected?" He asks in disbelief. "Yep, but we will still be friends. At first it will be awkward, but soon we both forget it hopefully." I reply. "Well that must have hurt your ego" Zander says with a grin on his face as I laugh at his comment with Milly, Luke and Sean. "Don't worry Jake, we're here for you. That's why we're a Squad Fam." Milly says with a smile on her face.

When Hailey got back, we got into discussing the theme for the upcoming songs, which we couldn't agree on yet so instead we started memorising the lyrics to the song which we finished this week. Everyone got a copy of it so for fun Milly and Luke started to sing it in a duet. After this everyone tried to start learning it on their instrument expect for me, Hailey and Sean. Hailey decided to help Milly on the guitar so me and Sean were just sitting on the ground and chatting. "I'm sorry about what happened between you and Daisy." He says. "Oh don't worry about it, I'm relieved I got it off my chest even if was by rejection." I say reassuring him. We stay silent for a bit as I try to find the correct words. "Look Sean I don't know how close are you with Daisy, but I'm rooting for you guys to get together." I say to him with a smile. "Wait what? Are you sure? I-I mean uhh it's not like we're THAT close." He says with a slight blush on his face. I just laugh at his response as the bell rings.

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