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Jake's p.o.v.

Before my mom dropped me of at school she wished me good luck. At first I didn't understand what she meant by that but soon realised she was talking about the confession. "Oh my god what have I got myself into.." I tought as I entered the school. If I wanted to confess than it must be special. Maybe I should give her flowers or bonbon? I was lost in my toughts when I heard someone call my name. It was Sean. "Jake, over here!" He greeted with Luke and Milly beside her. "Hey Guys! How are you doing?" I asked them "Not so good. I have a math test today" Milly said as the others chuckled at her comment "And she wanted to skip it.." Luke said revealing Milly's plan "Hey! You have no idea what kind of torture this is" Milly complained "Well, we go to school too so we know your pain" Sean said placing his hand on her shoulder while we bursted out laughing on his act. "If you really know the pain than you should feel what I feel" Milly said
"Anyways where are Hailey and Zander? You guys come together aren't you Luke?" I ask him as I look into to main entrances direction "Oh they have an appointment at the doctor so they come here around second period" Luke says
"Are they sick?" I ask "No, just a vaccination." Luke replies "Jake are you THIS stupid? Would they come in if they're sick?" Milly asks with a face palm.

The first period was history and the stupid promise I made to my mom about confessing was still bothering me. It's not like I die if I don't do it, but at the same time what can I lose. Maybe she rejects me and I'm absolutely terrified about this outcome but if I want to date her than I need to ask her.
When I finally decided if I want to confess or not I started taking notes in my notebook about our really interesting history.

The upcoming classes until lunchbreak were really boring like who can enjoy chemistry and biology? Anyways after lunch we headed towards the club room and on the way we met Drew, Henry and Liam. They didn't say anything nor looked at us but now I didn't really care as much. This was our first rehearsal since we finished our latest song which me and Hailey finished like a day ago. I didn't know the complete lyrics yet nor did Hailey so we needed the notebook where we wrote it. At first there were a few mistakes we've made, but as we tried it again more times it barely had any. We had 10 more minutes until our next class will start so we quickly packed our stuff. "What do you guys say about a rehearsal at our place on Saturday?" Hailey asks us as everyone agrees. "Alright, everyone had a good job today. Keep up the great work!" Hailey says "We still sound great just as always" Milly says with a proud look on her face. "Let's go get ice cream after school for our good work" Luke requests "That's a great Idea" Milly replies instantly. "I'm down too" I say and Hailey and Zander agrees too. "I'm sorry but I can't.  I have work after school but have fun!" Sean says a bit sadly "We can go on another day if you don't have work than" Luke says and Sean gives us a smile "Than tomorrow will be good" He says "Ok than, now that we discussed it I need to get to math clasd" Milly says as she leaves the room "Good luck!" Hailey shouts after her. "We should probably go too"I say while looking at Hailey, Zander and Luke because we have P.E together.
"You're right. See you later Sean!" Hailey says as we leave the club to head to the changing room.

The teacher announced that today we are playing basketball which caused Zander to instantly feel sick. Anyone can tell that he isn't the sporty type. "God I hate basketball" Hailey complains "Trust me Princess you're not the only one" I say as I place my hand on her shoulder. "It isn't that bad. Running 10 laps would be worse" Luke says trying to fire us up. " I mean you have a point" Hailey agrees. The teacher put Hailey and Luke so I look at the people who were also in the same team as me. I saw Liam and Henry there but I didn't attempt to go up to them. The game begin and man you don't know how bad I was at this game.
After the other team won the teacher gave us a short break. "Jake you suck at this game" Zander states as he look at us "Says the one who instantly sat out because of his 'headache' " I say rolling my eyes. "Jake has a point but still I didn't know you were this bad" Hailey teases as I turn red out of embarrassment. "Don't start you too!" I say as Hailey chuckles. "Can we drop it now?" I ask "Sure, before other girls comment on it too" Hailey says "Oh come on now!" I say still trying to drop this topic.

When last class started my toughts were drifting me away from paying attention. Again. Ok so if I confess I should probably give her flowers, but I didn't buy any yet and I don't know which one should I even get. "Am I overthinking? Am I putting to much effort in this? I have no idea what to think now, but you know what I'll ask her.

When class was over I started to look for her. I even checked the club room but she wasn't there and that's when I spotted her in the hallway. Her teal blue colored hair was easy to spot and she was packing things back into her locker. Before I went up to her I saw that she was on the phone so I waited for her to finish.

Hailey's p.o.v.

I was on the phone with Mom who told me that she and Dad won't be home by the time we get home and that food is in the fridge if we're hungry. Zander went on a date with Luke, and Bethany was at her friend's house on a play date.
When I ended the call Jake came up to me. "Hailey can I ask you something?" He asks "Yeah sure, what's up?" I reply

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