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Hailey's p.o.v

After our saturday's rehearsal, the others stayed so we could hang out and without practice. We are overjoyed about the chance we didn't think we would get, but we needed a bit of a free time.

After a chit-chat, Milly suggested to watch a movie. Now here comes the annoying part where Zander and Milly started to argue about who should pick the film that we were gonna watch...Well hopefully watch.
Their argument lasted like 5 minutes when they finally agreed on a rock, paper, scissors match.

Everyone in mind hoped that Milly will win even Luke because if Zander comes out as a winner, we will be bored to death. Zander's taste in films is well...not the best let's just say. Like, who would watch a documentary film with a group of friends?

For our luck Milly won, and decided to watch 'The Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl', which is a really great film.
Zander just scoffed about losing, but I know he probably liked the idea of watching this movie.

I have seen this move at least 3 times now, so I just told everyone that they can start it while I go and make some popcorn in the kitchen.

I've heard the film playing in the background while I was searching for the popcorn in the cabinets.
When I spotted it, I placed it in the microwave and found myself humming while waiting.

"Hey Hails, where can I find some more Cola?" a sudden voice asked as I looked at it's direction. "I think we have some more in the cabinet down left." I say as I point at the mentioned cabinet. "Cool." He replies as I follow him with my eyes, watching every movement he does. A 'beeb' sound snaps me out, I immediately blush at my actions and take out the popcorn and put another package in the microwave.

When I poured the first done package of the popcorn into a bowl I realise that Jake leans against the counter and watches me. I raise an eyebrow and ask him about it "Is something on my face?" "No, I'm just waiting for you." He says
"Oh you can go I've seen this movie multiple times." I reassured him. "You think I didn't? And also I enjoy being around you ." He says as I feel my cheeks heat up. "Wow Sterling, and how is that?" I ask, trying to tease him. "Did this sound weird? It's true though, I didn't realise how much you've meant to me until you weren't there." He says, fidgeting his fingers. This took me in complete shock, and as soon as I processed what he said, I became a blushing mess. "Wait what?" was all I could stutter out. "Hailey you are my dearest friend, and I don't want to lose you again." He says looking into my eyes "Jake..." I say as he comes up to me and tightly hugs me, I return his hug as we stay there for a couple of seconds.
Another 'beeb' sound breaks the silence as well as our hug, so I quickly take the second package out of  the microwave and add it into the bowl.

I look up at Jake his face is just as red as mine probably. "Greaaat now it's gonna be awkward again" I tought as I rushed back to the living room and placed the bowl on the table.

I looked at the TV screen, watching how is the film going.
Of course, our last incident in the kitchen was on my mind constantly, so I couldn't focus on the movie for long. But now that I think about it, me and Jake have 'incidents' more often these days which makes me feel a bit strange inside. I'm sure it's nothing important though. We are just friends like Jake said, and he is probably heartbroken about his rejection too, but who wouldn't be in his place?. Who am I kidding though? These hugs are different then the previous ones and I can't help, but blush. "God did I really just..." I said in my mind and then mentally slaped myself. As crazy as it sounds there is no other reason, I just don't want to admit it to myself.

I took a deep breath as I slowly took a peak at Jake. He was watching the film too, but when he noticed I was looking at him, he blushed and quickly turned back to the TV.
I tried to focus on the movie too, but after 20 minutes I gave up. "Be right back" I said as I left to the bathroom.
After I freshened myself up, I decided not go back yet so I went to my room. I was pretty tired, I had no energy to finish another lyrics so I took an unread book from my self and started to read.
It was rude of me to leave the others alone, but my head was about to explode. I needed a little alone time in my room so I can clear things in my head, and reading seemd like a good distraction from my toughts.

Zander's p.o.v

After the movie, everyone decided to head home because it was already getting late, and they didn't want to go home in complete darkness. "Where is Hailey? She didn't come back after excusing herself" Luke asks looking around the house to find the teal haired girl. "Now that you mention it..." Milly says as she head towards Hailey's room. She knocked on the door and let herself in. I go after her and when I was about to say something Milly immediately hushed me down. "What?" I whisper when I notice Hailey on her bed sleeping with a book on her laps. "Don't wake her up." I say to the pink haired guitarist before she even gets a crazy idea.

We close the door to Hailey's room and head to the front door.
Sean went alone because he said he has a meet up with somebody, and Jake's mom gave a ride to Milly too.
Luke stayed for the night like on every weekend which I was really happy about so we can spend more time together.

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