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Hailey's p.o.v.

The weekend went by fast, and I didn't really do anything other than studying. A lot of tests are coming up, and because of them, I feel a bit stressed. When I wasn't studying for school, I was learning the lyrics to our songs. The town festival is coming up in a few weeks and we still have to practice a lot.

Luke and Zander left a bit earlier to drop by a coffee shop before our first period, so I was walking to school alone. I didn't mind though. I took the usual route to school while I listened to music and enjoyed the morning peacefulness.

It was a suprise that Jake joined us that day, which I assume won't happen really often. And that text really caught me off guard. I was a complete disaster after that. I couldn't even think straight. Of course, it was just a silly joke, but somehow, I can't get it out of my head. "Ahh, this guy just loves teasing me, and now that I've realized my feelings, it's just worse. He doesn't have a single idea how hard it is to get him him off my mind."

Also, Lia texted to meet up after school today, and until a few days ago, I didn't even realize how much I've missed her. I think she did deserve that second chance. We text each other every other day, and it always makes me smile. I know that she has a crush on Jake, and if he feels the same way towards her, then I guess I need to aceept it. Of course, it would turn out really akward, and I would probably be tense around them, but... "Okay, okay, Hailey, you're overreacting. There might be a chance that Lia doesn't even like Jake now, and he might not return her feelings. Maybe he isn't even over Daisy yet. "

My phone buzzed in my pockets, so I pulled it out and checked my messages. It was from Jake. "Morning Princess! Care to hang out after school?" I smiled at his text and quickly replied.

"Good morning to you too. Is it a new habit of yours to text me in the mornings?" It didn't take long before Jake started writing back.

"Ahh dang it, you figured me out, Princess! But seriously, are you in for a boba?" As musch as I wanted to drink boba, I needed to decline his offer.

"Sorry Jake, I've got plans after school. Maybe tomorrow?" After a few moments, two sad face emojis appeared on my screen.

"Yeah, tomorrow is great too. Is today's plan with someone special?" Jake asked with a smirking emoji.

"Hmm... maybe I could say it is. Just as a joke, of course."

"Uhh, maybe?" I respond to Jake's question.

That was when I realized that I've arrived to school. I looked around and spotted Jake too. "Hey Jake!" I gretted him, which made him look up from his phone. "Hi Princess! Now, would you tell me about your special someone?" He asked with a grin. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "I don't know. Should I be that kind?" I said with a smirk. "Well, if you're comfortable with it. I'm just curious who caught your attention." Jake replied in a concerned tone, if I heard correctly? "But why would he be concerned about it? Maybe he just doesn't want me to get hurt." "No need to worry, silly. I was just joking. I'm meeting up with Lia after school." I say as Jake's seems to let out a sigh he was holding in. "Haha, good joke, Pricess. I'm happy that you and Lia eventually made up." "Yeah, me too. Speak of the devil..." I say as I spot Lia behind Jake.

"Good morning guys" The black haired girl greets us. "Good morning!" We reply in unison. "How was your weekend?" Lia continues. "It was Milo-free, so pretty relaxing if you ask me." Jake replied as we both chuckled at his response. "It was boring. Just studying and studying." I replied. "Ohh yeah, a lot of tests are coming up. I've started to study for them too." Lia said.

The bell's noise disturbed our conversation, so we headed into the building. The three of us had most of our lessons together, just like this one. "I hate chemistry." Jake complained as we made our way to the classroom. "Trust me, you're not the only one." I replied with a small smile.

At lunch break after we finished our food we went to our usual hangout spot, the clubroom. Now that Daisy is free from her head-girl duty, she usually hangs out with us during this time. She and Sean are getting along pretty well, and I think we all know why. Jake said he doesn't have a problem with it, and he is happy if his friends start dating eventually. We can all agree that they look cute together. Daisy's eyes always lit up when Sean shows her our music or just teaches her stuff about music making. Like right now. The blush appearing on both of their cheeks is so cute. Although they didn't confess yet, or at least not to our knowing, they seem like a couple. The smiles and whispers between them make it look like they are actually dating.

After our classes, Lia and I decided to go to the park, but before that, she needed to grab something from her locker. Her locker was next to Zoey's, but she wasn't here yet. "Soo, how are you feeling?" I ask her while she grabs her stuff. "Umm, I'm fine? Why do you ask?" She responds as she rasises an eybrown. "I'm just a bit worried. Like, I know how all your friends side with Zoey and..." I say, but I can't seem to finish my sentence. Lia just gives me a small smile and closes her locker. "I know, but I'm good, really. Sometimes, I feel a bit left out, but other than that, I'm fine." She says. "You know we're here. The music club is always open for you." I reassure her. "That's kind of you, but it just feels wrong after all these years. I treated you guys horrible, even though we were friends before and-" "Lia. We've talked about this with the club too, and everyone thinks you deserve a second chance. Jake deserved one too, so I don't see the problem." I say as she pulls me into a hug. I return the action, but then I spot Zoey coming towards us.

"I see you found your friend, Lia." Zoes said as she looked at the black haired girl. "After all I've done for you, this is it? I can't believe you." Zoey continued. "Well, I can't blame you. You were a freak before, too, weren't you? Remember, I was the one who made you popular, and without me, you would still be a no one. I can still destroy your reputation and make you a freak again, just like your little friend over there." The blond haired girl finished while Lia looked at her.

"You know Zoey, I don't really seem to care at all. Make me a freak, I don't care. At least I will have a better company with people who won't judge me for all my actions. Oh, and just so you know, you will never have real friends with that attitude of yours." Lia says defensivly.

"Really, now you think they will be friends with you? They will just make you think you matter to them, then they will turn their back on you." Zoey said with a chuckle.

"Actually, Zoey, not everyone's like you. Lia deserves a second chance, and we will give it to her." I comment.

"Well, if that's what you want Lia, then fine. I don't care. Go hang out with your freak friends because you belong there." Zoey says, finishing her sentenes.

"Looks like you like that word very much, 'freak'. You call them freak because of their interest even when they didn't do anything. But if you really want to call us freaks, then do it, I'll be a freak if I deserve their friendship." Lia says.

"Do as you please...freak." Says Zoey while she turns her back on us and leaves.

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