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Jake's p.o.v.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" The teal haired singer replies. "So I really need your help Hails. I'm planning to ask Daisy out tomorrow and I wanted to ask advice about what kind of flower should I give her." I say as a slight blush appears on my cheeks.

Hailey's p.o.v

I stood there speechless for like a whole minute. Jake was planning on asking out Daisy? But didn't he say that he wasn't sure about his feelings lately? Somehow this hurt me. Back on the day after the competition when Jake was a blushing mess when Daisy praised him for his performance on the other hand I felt sad. Aww man who I'm kidding I wasn't just sad, I was completely jealous.
I got pulled back to reality when a voice kept calling my name over and over. "Hails are you ok?" Jake asked with a worried expression on his face. "Yeah I'm fine. What could bother me anyway? I'm totally fine, just spaced out for a bit. Sorry. " I say sheepishly. "If you say so... So than would a rose be better or maybe tulips?" He asks suggesting these flowers. "If you want to be like a man from a romance movie than definitely the rose." I responded "Than that will be it. Thanks Princess!" Jake says with a big smile. "Jeez this nickname again. It always makes me smile and embarrassed at the same time." "Anytime Sterling. Can't believe you finally got the confidence to ask her out." I tease him trying to hide my feelings which came to me at his 'asking out Daisy' statement.
Me and Jake walked out of the school together and parted ways after I got into mom's car and Jake went to his mom's car.
I was sitting in the back with Bethany while Zander sat next to mom in fhe front. "So how was you guys' day?" Mom asked looking at Zander than at me. "It was like usual these days. I had a quiz today in chemistry and that's all." Zander replies first "Did it go well?" Mom asks "I guess it will be ok" The lavender haired pianist says and mom nods at his answer. "My day was boring , nothing interesting happened." I say looking out the window. Mom looked suspicious at me thinking something must have happened because of my sad expression, but didn't say anything after that.

After we got home I headed straight to my bedroom. "Aww man why did it have to happen." I think while I sit down at my desk at pull out the homework we got today. I had to wite an essay for literature about a poet so I opened my book and started to underline the important informations which didn't seem to be enough so I looked up some things online too. I tried not think much about Jake and his stupid confession for Daisy.
When I finished with the essay the harder part came when I needed to start studying for the upcoming geography test. So I pulled out the mentioned book to get the studying over faster.
I was in the middle of rereading the second half of the page when I heard someone knocking. "Hailey. Can I come in?" A sweet voiced called which belonged to my mom. "Yeah, come on in" I say not looking up from my book. "I'm sorry dear, did I interrupt your study session?" She asks "Don't worry about it, this part is pretty easy so I can learn it quickly" I say reassuring my mom. "So is something wrong?" I ask curiously. "I've noticed you're more silent than usual and you also seem a bit sad. Did something happened?" Mom asks with a worried expression as she closes the door and sits down on my bed. "I'm okay...I guess..." I say looking not looking at her. "Hailey, you can talk to me about your worries." Mom says with a small smile on her face. "Well...You know Jake is a dear friend of mine...." I begin "So like I'm not completely sure, but he wants to confess to his crush and this makes me feel a bit hurt inside, if you know what I mean..." I said still not looking up to her "Aww Hailey, maybe Jake isn't the guy who plays that role in your life. You will find someone who returns your feelings I know, though you guys would look adorable together." Mom says while pulling me into a hug. "Thank you mom, but I'm still not completely sure about how if this feeling is serious or a quickly fading one..." I say hugging her tightly "Me, Zander, Bethany and your Dad are always here for you dear. Speaking of Michael he is cooking dinner today" Mom says with a slight laugh escaping her mouth. "Oh god, please help him or we won't have a place to sleep tonight." I say jokingly as mom heads towards the door and gives me a warm smile before leaving.
When she left the room I let out a sight and turn back to continue studying.
It felt good to talk to someone about today and I'm glad mom heard me out. Jake is a really great friends and I should cheer him on and hope the best for him because he deserves it. He deserves our support and kindness. But still a part of me hopes that maybe Daisy won't return his feelings "What a selfish tought". Jake had a crush on Daisy for years and he deserves happiness. But on the other hand I feel bad for Sean. He may have said that him and Daisy aren't dating or anything, but behind this statement I felt he in fact did have feelings for the certain white haired girl, but decided to let Jake have her because of his feelings for her for years. Also because Sean didn't want to take away his friend's crush.
My little sister got me out of my toughts as she barged into my room. "Bethany?" I ask a bit surprised at her presence "Sis can you teach me how to play on the guitar? Dad won't do it cuz' he's always busy!" She asked with with puppy eyes. "Yeah sure I can. I just need to finish studying first than we can get started." I agreed as she jumped up and down and hugged me. "Thanks Big Sis you're the best" She said as I chuckled at her comment. "Hope you finish fast!" She says as she leaves the room. I look into the direction where she went and close the door which she forgot to do. "Alright better finish quickly!"

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