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Jake's p.o.v

When everyone joined the call neither me nor Hailey could say out an understandable sentence. "Guys are you OK? Did you get drunk or something?" Milly asks laughing "Wait a sec. We need to pull ourselves toghether" I say as I take a deep breath. When I finally pulled myself together I told the others the big news. "Wait Wait Wait...So what you guys are saying is that they want us to perform on a festival with only one song?" Zander asks disbelieved "Sorry I missed the part where they said we need 5 song to perform. But don't worry we have plenty of time until the festival so we can write more songs" Hailey reassures the others "So what do you guys think?" I ask waiting for their response "What do we say? This is awsome we should totally accept it!" Says Luke firstly "Hell Yeah! It's an unique opportunity and we should live with it." Milly agrees "Zander, Sean?" Hailey asks "Of course I'm in, there is no way I refuse" Sean replies "I'm in too. I'm really surprised, but of course you can count on me too." Zander says finally and than everyone starts to celebrate. "We discuss the plans further on Monday so see you guys than!" Hailey says as a goodbye and we end the call.
While Hailey writes back about our decision I pick up the notebook where we were writing our new lyric just about 5 minutes ago and read through it. I smile while reading our new work and I turn back to the page where we have our first song 'Starlight' written. For a moment I start to tear up just by reading the lines that me and Hailey wrote a couple of weeks before.
"Jake I replied" Says Hailey happily so I shake my head to make the tears go away. Hailey comes closer to me and sees what I'm looking at. I can tell just by looking at her that memories flash through her eyes as well and I give her a warm smile which she returns. We stay silent for a couple of seconds and just admire our work. "I should get going now, thanks for having me over Jake" she says and closes the notebook "Oh anytime Hails, continue it on Monday after school?" I ask while we head to the front door. "Yep that's what I've planned too, see you than Jake!" Hailey says as she starts walking home "See ya!" I say and close the door behind me, but when I turn around I notice Milo standing there and leaning against the wall shaking his head "What kind of boy are to not walk a girl back home" He says in a disappointed tone "I mean he is kinda right, it's a bit late and I should have walked her home" "Will you do this with Daisy too?" Milo asks with a questioning look "What? No of course not and I should have walked Hailey home too." I admit "Then go after her genius!" He scolds me like I'm a 10 years old.
I quickly go after Hailey and soon catch up to her. Hailey looks behind her and notices me "Jake? Did I forget something?" She asks. "Oh um- no I tought maybe I should walk you home because it's kinda late..." I say not looking at her. She chuckles "Wow Sterling what a gentleman are you?" She says and I'm still avoiding to look at her because of how red my cheeks are.
"Hey! I just wanted to be nice that's all." I respond "I appreciate it Jake..." Hailey says as she starts walking again.
"What are your plans for tomorrow?" She asks "I promised Milo to take him to the movies and that's all" He replies not sounding too happy about it, I giggle at his answer and we continue walking.

Hailey's p.o.v

We had a great time while Jake walked me back home, Jake is still a great company and I was happy that he came with me. We were standing before our front door saying our goodbyes.
"Thanks again for walking me home Jake" I say with a smile "No problem Hails anytime" Jake says, than we just stand there looking at each other like a dump couple. This goes by for a few seconds when Jake finally says something "I had a great day today and you need to agree that we are a really good duo Princess" I chuckle "Yeah I admit that we are" than suddenly Jake hugs me "I can't say it enough but I'm still thankful that you guys gave me another chance" He says and let's go of me. I stand there a bit shocked and nod. "Goodnight Princess!" He smirks "Goodnight to you too..." I mutter waving back at him.
When I enter the house Luke is sleeping on the couch next to Zander, I whisper a "Hi" and go to my room. I'm sure Zander heard our conversation but didn't want to wake up Luke so he will probably ask me about it tomorrow.
After I took a shower I pulled out the notebook again and was really greatful that Jake didn't notice the song I had written when we tought Jake had betrayed us.

Shannon's p.o.v

I was washing the dishes in the kitchen when I heard talking at our front door, they were familiar voices. I looked out the window and I saw Hailey and Jake hugging at the door "I'm sure now that something is going on between those two. Our Hailey finally has found someone dear to her." I tought as I continued washing the dishes.

Jake's p.o.v.

After I showered I put on my headphones and listened to some music. As my playlist was going on a special song came up which made me smile. It gave me confidence so I put it on repeat. I started thinking about time before I joined the club. It's hard to believe how fast my life changed just in a few weeks, I'm still upset about not having Drew, Liam and Henry by my side but if I need to choose to bully the ones who I share interests with or to be a 'freak' and do what I love than I choose to be a 'freak'.
These were the toughts going through my mind before I went to bed.

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