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Hailey's p.o.v

I woke up for the sudden brightness in my room. I slowly open my eyes as I look around my room. The notebook was laying on my chest as I covered my eyes from the sun.
I get up the close the curtains, and then I hop back into my bed. "I don't want to get up. I have literally no energy for studying."
As I glance at the books which I need to study from are on the table I get an idea if maybe some of my friends would like to study with me. Not all of us are in the same grade, but maybe studying together would help a bit.

After finally getting out of my bed and put some clothes on, I go down to the kitchen. I see mom already made some eggs for breakfast, which is waiting for us at the table. "Oh Hailey, I was just about to wake you up. Mom says with smile on her face. "Well, here I am. Can I help you with anything?" I ask as mom nods "Yes please. Can you make the table for us if that's okay?" She asks as I start to take out the plates.

Usually we don't talk much while eating but today everyone seemed so energetic. "Hey Hailey, you left us with the movie yesterday pretty quickly." Zander says, taking a sip of his coffee. "Yeah, sorry, it was rude, not the say anything, but I was really exhausted." I say with an apologetic look. "Don't worry, we understand it's not a big deal." Luke reassures as I take a bite of my egg. "Anyways, what are your plans for today?" Dad asks from us. "I need to study a lot." I say. "We're going to study at my place." Luke replies as Zander nods. "Great, then I can still study with Sean, Milly and Jake."  "That's great. But Zander be home by 6 p.m" Mom says
"Mom, I'm not a 10 years old but I will be home, don't worry." Zander says a bit annoyed.

I go back to my room and decide to give a call to Milly. 
"Hey Milly, good morning!" I greet her.
"Sup Hailey!"
"Milly do you have any plans for today? I was thinking maybe we could study together. " I ask
"Oh um sorry Hailey but unfortunately, me and Sean are going the the cinema to watch a movie we've been waiting for months now and Sean already bought the tickets." She replies as I realise my only option left is Jake.
"Oh is it finally out? Well then have a great time you two." I say
"Thanks Hailey, and um, sorry again." Milly says.
"Don't worry about it. But have a great time. Bye!" I say my goodbyes and end the call. "Okay, so I have two options. I either study with Jake or alone"
I mean, not that Jake is a bad company or anything, but I don't know how much of a help could Jake be with studying.
A sudden noise was heard from my phone, which showed that I got a text. It was from Jake. "Of course it's him. It's like he can sense it when I think of him. "
I check the text he sent which was a photo he took yesterday when we were all watching a movie except for Zander who fell asleep. I giggled at the picture and texted Jake if he wanted to come over to study. He replied with a 'Yes' so I guess until he arrives I should start by myself.

Minutes passed when I heard footsteps approaching from my door, and then the knock came. "Come in!" I said as Jake entered my room and placed down his bag next to my desk as he sat down.
"Sup Hails. Missing me already?" He teased while grabbing his book out of the bag. "Yeah Jake, I can't even live without you. I'm so glad you came before I went completely crazy." I said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Anyway do you know anything or let's start from the beginning?" I asked as Jake looked at me like he can't understand what I said. "What do you think?" He asked. Now I know that he didn't even start  studying yet. "Ok than let's start"  I said as I let out a sigh.

Hours passed with me explaining a lot of things to Jake because he had no idea about anything.
"You know Jake, I start to feel like I'm your tutor and not your studying partner." I said. "Sorry Hailey, but class is boring." The peach haired boy whined. "Yeah, I see you scrolling on Tiktok every time" I say rolling my eyes. "I'm educating myself here" He replies with a proud smile. "Mhm while watching 5 Minutes Craft videos?" I ask "That's- right..." He says. "Be right back, I get some snacks." I say as I leave my room.

Jake's p.o.v.

When Hailey left I picked up her phone to leave a little 'suprise' for her as I took some pictures of myself. "I'm still charming" I tought to myself.
Studying is boring but Hailey helped me with a lot of things. "I should really start paying attention in class..." I say as I place Hailey's phone down. "You should Jake." Hailey's voice was heard behind me as she entered her room. "What were you doing on my phone?" The teal haired girl asks while raising one eyebrow. "Yeah nothing important." I reply as she picks up her phone and goes through it. She then looks up at me with an 'are you serious?' face. I laugh at her expression as she starts giggling too. "Jake your unbelievable" She says as she sits back down next to me. "My gallery is full of your random selfies." Hailey complains. "You can always delete them." I reply "But as I see you like having me in your gallery." I tease as Hailey's cheek turns a bit pinkish. "I have to remind myself to delete them later." She says as I roll my eyes.
"You know Jake, I'm glad that we became close. A few months ago I would have laughed at someone if they told me that we're going to be good friends someday." Hailey said as she rested her head on my shoulders. "It would've been possible sooner if I realised that I treated you guys like how others treated me before." I say. "You have a point, but you wanted to act perfect for them to not push you away." Says the teal haired singer as she holds my hand and intertwines our fingers.
I look down on our hands, holding the other's while silent lays on us.
After a few moments, I speak up.
"Thank you, Hailey. Again." I say as I give her a soft smile, which she returns.

Sorry for the REALLY late update.

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