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Hailey's p.o.v

Me, Zander and Luke walked into the school building on Monday and headed straight to our lockers. I was grabbing out my literature book for the first period along with a notebook for the subject. Soon Jake greeted us in the classroom and started bragging about how boring the movie was which he went to see with his little brother. When the bell rang we took a seat and waited for our teacher. After we made up with Jake ,he sat next to us on our shared classes. Surprisingly after Jake and Drew's arguing they stopped bullying, and ignored us which was a relief. I saw on Jake that in the first few days he kinda missed them and hoped that maybe Drew would talk to him again, but that didn't happen. I can't blame him for missing his old friends, they were good buddies for years and it ended just in a few weeks.

*Lunch break*

Jake was sitting with us on the lunchbreaks so he wasn't late for rehearsals now.
When we got to the club room Sean was already waiting for us there. "Didn't see you at lunch today Sean" Luke commented as he headed to his drum.
"Yeah I skipped it today. I had to finish a soundtrack quickly." He says not looking up from his laptop. "Uuu is it for the new song?" Milly asked excitedly "Well not exactly, I had already finished that and sent it to Hailey yesterday" Sean replies "You did? And you didn't let me listen." Jake asks in disbelief turning firstly to Sean than to me. "Hehe sorry about that" I replied "It would've helped with the songwriting!" Jake complained "Can you stop whining already? We didn't hear it either" Zander responds rolling his eyes. "You can listen to it when we continue writing the song after school" I said. "Umm about the festival. Do you have any ideas for upcoming songs?" Luke asks. "I mean we will write the other three songs after we practice this enough." I reply informing them about the plans. "Ok...How is the lyric going anyway?" Zander asks "We still have a lot of work with it but it's looking good" Jake replies. "Alright than I start practicing on my guitar after school so when you guys finish the lyrics it will already be good." Milly says "I suppose we should do that to Zander" Luke responds. "Yeah, the full version would be done earlier than" The purple haired boy agrees. "There is no need to rush guys, take your time with it" I say giving them a smile.

*After Last Period*

Jake and I stayed at the club room to continue writing and get our lyrics almost done. We were just competing about my or Jake's version of the line was better. "How abouuut like this?" I ask "Yeah, I suppose it's alright. I don't know what wrong with my version of the line..." He says rolling his eyes "Oh stop being such a dork. But this completes the verse" I say happily. "We got it done pretty quickly" Jake says "Well yeah, but it helped that you had a lot of ideas for this in the middle of history class" I chuckle "This is way more interesting than the boring class"

Jake's p.o.v

Time always flew by when I was with the club, but especially with Hailey. We stayed after our last class for 2 hours but yet it seemed like that long. Hailey  was the first person whom I told my past, she could relate to me which made me hate myself because I was the who bullied her along with Drew, Henry  and Liam. I changed after I met them and they made me feel like I'm special. I was also greatful for Daisy who pointed me to them and now they are my 'Squad Fam' as Milly likes to call us.
We were walking out of the school building where were nearly any students left. "Hails do you need a lift?" I ask her pointing at my mom's car who was waiting for me already. "No thanks, I need to grab some groceries for Mom" She replies as she leaves and waves at me. I wave back to her and get into my mom's car.

Zander's p.o.v

I was home practicing on my piano and Hailey still didn't come home yet. I didn't mention to her that I heard her and Jake on Saturday night but I couldn't stop thinking that they might be actually dating. I know it's not my business to decide who Hailey can or can't date but Jake of all people? I don't want to see Hailey get hurt again but at the same time Jake still hasn't gained my full trust back.
I took a break to go down to the kitchen where I spotted Hailey and my mom talking. "You're back" I say "Yep and we finished the lyrics completely." "That was fast" I commented "Well what can I say? Sometimes even Jake has great ideas" She says with a giggle and turns back to help mom with preparing the dinner. "And how is your practice going  Alex dear." Mom asks not looking at me "Mom, I told you to stop calling me that! But it's going great" I reply while heading back to practice before dinner is ready.

Jake's p.o.v.

While we were heading home we stopped by the McDonald's for Milo to be happy about today's dinner. And just as expected when we got home and he saw the takeout in our hands and a big smile appeared on his face. We put down the food on our dining table and started eating. "So Jake how are you and the club doing?" my mom asks while still eating our dinner. "Can't be better. We've just finished writing our new song so all we need to do is practice it." I say happily "Well that's great to hear. I'm glad you've made up with them, they are really good-hearted people." "Yeah, I couldn't ask for better friends" I agreed as I finished my hamburger "Amd what's up with girls? Is there a special someone?" My mom ask teasingly "Well- uh No... I mean..." I stutter "Come on spit it out!" "Fine..There is a girl who I like...but I don't have the confidence to ask her out..." I admit "Heh I knew you wouldn't have" Milo speak up "Milo!" "What? He isn't strong enough to do it I know." Milo says rolling his eyes. "Ugh... Jake sweetie I know you can do it. Just ask her!" My mom says trying to encourage me.
"Fine, I'll ask her tomorrow" I say sounding surprisedby my own statement. "Now that's what I'm talking about. You're a man so act like one" Mom says and I'm not quite sure how to react to this comment.

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