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Jake's p.o.v

I woke up earlier than usual. And when I say earlier, I mean 36 minutes before my alarm. Of course, I tried falling asleep again but didn't have much luck with it.

I decided to just watch some videos until then. But again, some really annoying sound interrupted me. It was Milo who had to be at his school a bit earlier than usual. He was going on a trip or something, if I recall.

After this, I just started to get ready for school. I put on my clothes and did my hair. I looked as good as usual, obviously. "Ok, now maybe I should really drop some of my ego. Not too much, though. I wouldn't be the Jake Sterling if I didn't have a big ego."

I entered the kitchen just when mom and Milo were about to leave.
"Hey! You're thinking you could leave without saying goodbye to your big brother?" I say to Milo jokingly.
"Well, maybe if you'd get out of bed sooner than I might have considered." Said Milo with a grin.
"Okay, now stop you two!" Mom says, and zips Milo's backpack
Milo came up to me and gave me a hug as a sign of his goodbye.
"Don't miss me too much, Big Bro! Oh, and gather some courage to ask out your girl, would ya?" Milo said as I felt a slight blush crep onto my cheeks.

Oreo appeared behind me, so after petting him, I gave him his breakfast.
Mom left some toast and bacon on the counter for me, so I ate my breakfast as well.

I checked the time, and I decided to make my way to school. I still had plenty of time before our first period, but I don't have anything else to do at home.

As I was walking to school, I spotted three familiar figures walking in front of me. It was Luke, Zander and Hailey.
"Hmmm... I have an idea."
I pulled out my phone from my pockets and opened the conversation with Hailey.
"Looking as great as usual, Princess"
"Of course, she will totally kill me after this, but I love teasing her."

As we continued walking, I saw Hailey pulling out her phone. She stopped and started looking around when she finally took  notice of me. I looked her in the eye and gave her a big smile. Her cheeks were already pink, but when she looked at me, they turned red.
"It's cute seeing how flustered she gets." I think, but then froze as I realize what I just thought. I feel my cheeks also heating up, but decide to act as casual as possible.

Zander and Luke also stops when they realize Hailey isn't beside them now, so they turn around as well.

I wave at them as I finally caught up to the teal haired girl.
"Good morning guys!" I say with an awkward smile
"Good morning Jake." Says Zander firstly
"Good morning!" Luke greets in his really energetic tone.
"Good morning..." Hailey murmurs as we continue our way towards the school.
"So Jake how is that your so early today?" Zander asks with a grin.
"Well I guess I just couldn't sleep." I reply as I take a look at Hailey. She seems like she is lost in her thoughts, so I decided to ask her about it later.

When we got to school, Zander and Luke went on their own way, and Hailey was making her way to our clubroom.
"Mind if I join you?" I ask, and Hailey smiles as a response.

We walk in silence, and luckily, not in an awkward one. She loosened up and looks calmer now.

As we enter the clubroom and I close the door behind us, Hailey sits down at the table and pulls out her notebook. I join her at the table and take a peek at what she's reading.
"Is that something new, Princess?" I ask with curiosity.
"Well, I've been brainstorming yesterday and wrote down some ideas." She replies, still not lifting her gaze from the lyrics.
"Can I look?" I ask, and she nods.

Hailey always had a special talent for songwriting. Not only just for that, but as Sean said before, she is basically great at everything when it comes to music. I feel lucky that I could be the one who helped her with her stage fright so she can sing without me as well now.

"These are great Hails!" I say as I finish reading the lyrics.
"Thank you! I think we could make this into a great song too." She replies as I give her a warm smile.
"Oh, and stop scaring me with those random messages." The teal haired girl continues as she gives me a smirk.
"Aw, come on, I know you've liked it!" I say teasingly.
She just lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes with a smile.
"Was everything okay this morning? You seemed upset." I ask.
"Yep, everything is fine, so don't worry too much, Prince Charming." She replies. This nickname suprised me bit I can't say I don't like it.
"Okay, if you say so. But you know you can rely on me, Hailey."

Hailey then grabs my hand and looks at me.
"Jake, as I said, don't worry. I'm fine, and I know I can always turn to you when I have something on my mind. You're a....really important person in my life." She says with a small smile, and I couldn't help myself but blush.
"Aww, am I making you feel frustrated, Jakey?" She asks teasingly.
"N-no" I say, trying to avoid eye contact with her.
"Well, I guess now you know what I felt back then." She continues.
"Ha! I knew you liked that text." I reply, trying to defend myself.
"I never said I didn't." Hailey says and gives me a wink afterwards.

I sat there frozen in my place, and my cheeks were probably as red as a tomato. "Okay, did Hailey just wink at me? This is new. Guess this is the payback."
"You've liked that, huh?" She asks with a smirk.
"Okay Hails, you win. Just stop." I say with a smile. And with that she lets go of my hands.
"Nice acting Austin." I continue with a grin.
"Right? I've learned from the best." She replies.
"Ohh by the way acting. Yesterday's joke was hilarious." I say.
"They should've seen their faces. But Zander's response suprised me." Hailey  says as she check the time on her phone.
"I thought he will start yelling at me in front of the whole school." I agree.
"I was stunned when that didn't happen. Also I think we should go. We have seven minutes before english." Hailey says as we stand up and leave the clubroom.

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