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matthew nods his head, the last customer exiting the convenience store, the bell ringing, signaling that the door was opened then closed.

yes, he had been working at a convenience store. though, it was only by chance since the owner just saw matthew and asked him out of nowhere to work there.

“finally my shifts done. fuck this, i need an actual job, im getting tired of this,” matthew thought quietly and sighs. "i need a job with a large salary…aaaaa" 

although, the owner knew what he was doing, a man that’s charming would surely attract many customers, and his plan worked.

“ah matt, here’s your pay,” the owner of the convenience store says. “good job today, your charms always work on gaining more customers,” the boss grinned and did a thumbs up.

“thank you mr. kim,” he politely takes the money in the envelope and smiles. matthew was going to go all or nothing, he cant do this any longer. he makes the decision to tell his boss. 

“oh also… im sorry but today’s gonna have to be my last day," matthew informed.

“wait what? why? that’s so sudden” 

matthew bites his lip and quickly makes up a story on the spot to get out of there and just hope it’d work. any life story could work. he decided on the lie of being so busy with other things that he doesn’t have time anymore, plus the job’s useless for his career path.

“ive been really busy and i dont think i can work here anymore because of that. family, college, extra studies, et cetera. plus i need a better side job to give me um.. more preparation and experience for my career path,” he shrugs.

“oh,” the owner pauses and continues, “that’s alright then, i understand. you’ve helped a lot around here, your work’s appreciated. you’re still young so good luck on your dreams.” he pats matthew’s shoulder and decides to give the light haired male 10,000 won extra (roughly 10 dollars.)

“thanks mr. kim,” matthew smiled a bit.

“take care of yourself then,” the owner waves and matthew bows quickly, exiting the bright convenience store, the bell chiming again as he closes the door.

it is currently night, 9pm. the male sighs and smiles, stretching his arms. “yes! okay that was easier than expected i thought he’d try to persuade me to stay, given his usual tendencies to try and make me stay. i guess he’s more understanding than i thought,” he thinks to himself. 

“that was completely unplanned. it was nice of him though giving extra..”

his mood was instantly lifted though, smiling on the walk home, becoming cheery. afterall, he got a bit extra money, he’s free from that job (that was actually quite tiring, he adds,) now he needs to look for a job that’ll actually be beneficial to life.

because in reality, the convenience store job was the only job he was currently working. he doesn't go to college. well he did, matthew just dropped out after 2 years, feeling unsatisfied with it.

“i need advice and suggestions on what i should do now.. since i do need to make money for myself,” the male runs his fingers through his ice white hair, sweeping it back while in thought.

it was dark outside, given that it’s night at 9pm. the only source of light being the lamp posts shining an orange - yellow shade and the nearby small stores with light seeping out the windows.

matthew stared up, noticing the moon. the bright white light in the otherwise dark sky with clouds. matthew doesn’t know why he’s suddenly giving his attention to details he usually wouldn’t notice. it just happened. but, he realizes how he really should start doing that. the pretty moon, a stray cat just walking by, barely any people though. 

only one person out there besides himself, he guesses. 

he heard footsteps behind him that were very faint as if the person was trying to cover up the sound of the steps.

wait. what?

matthew gets alarmed, realizing someone was following him.
“the fuck?” he acts as if he doesn't notice the guy, just trying to really ignore them and get home quickly. 

of course, the person following him doesn’t stop. nobody was around at the time, only matthew and this person. 

matthew reached for his phone… and of course it had to die at that time. damn his luck was trash.

“oh my god if i get murdered im gonna cry, my life was too short. wait i shouldn’t think about that i’ll jinx it. what does this guy want," the white haired male thinks to himself.

"plus i'm unarmed, great," he sighs.

the man is now directly behind matthew and he pulls on the hem of matthew's shirt, wrapping his arm around matthew’s neck, pointing a knife to it, the blade resting right on his skin.

“give me all your money or else you die,” he threatened roughly. the guy released his pheromones, the one to intimidate matthew and guarantee he'd be too scared.

it was sort of suffocating for matthew and it made him very shaky. he knows it's better to give the money to the guy since a knife was right there resting on his neck, able to slice his neck at any moment. plus the man was taller and an alpha, having a larger advantage.

“oh fuck.. uhm a- okay.. please hold on, ill get it,” matthew quickly reached into the pants pocket and gave the man his envelope that had his pay in it. he didn’t bring his wallet today, he left it at home so the only money he had was the pay he got earlier.

matthew couldn't see the guy since he was behind him. he was shaking a bit, also because of not knowing the outcome of this situation.

his hand, trembling as he hands the money over to the guy, even though he was trying his best to steady it.

"here, pl-please dont kill me, thats all.. i have," the shorter says, voice wavering from the overwhelming pheromones, putting his hands up as a sign of surrendering.

"good," the man checked the envelope and put his knife away and ran away back. 

matthew sat on nearby steps, coughing and panting, trying to get his body to stop shaking and to calm his breathing. 

"thank god he only wanted money and not to kill me. ugh fucking pheromones. those alphas…" he rubbed his eyes and got up, his body stopped shaking since the presence of the guy was gone. 

"do i really seem like an omega from just a glance. im 100 percent sure i dont. damn was he just? there was a ⅓ chance that i was an omega and he took it, like are we that easy to target??" matthew sighs, covering his face. 

he then stood up, just wanting to get home, charge his phone and tell hanbin everything. maybe hanbin would have good advice.

he continued his walk back home, it was just a bit more. now, he was more cautious.

unexpected ~ mattwoong zb1Where stories live. Discover now