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(a/n: very long chapter! was pretty fun to write lolol)

matthew slowly rouse from his sleep, his longest time spent sleeping in a while. it was very refreshing, he felt like he could comprehend things faster and he felt cheerier. (is that a word? oh it is. hurray!)
from the way he felt, he assumed he had a series of good dreams that night and he must've slept like for 9 hours straight with no interruptions. surprising! a good sleep really was beneficial.

the male outstretched his arms and blinked out the rest of the sleep from his eyes.

"good morning," jiwoong smiled fondly. it felt a bit domestic.

matthew's eyes widened. "you're awake already?" he said as he rubbed his eyes.

jiwoong wasn't expecting the lower throaty voice escaping from matthew as the younger was looking so cute and he chuckled. matthew cleared his throat, his voice slowly returning back to the usual sound, the effect of sleeping for so long.

"had a good sleep?"

"yeah! what time is it?"

"basically 5am. we have a few hours left on the flight. wanna get any food?"

"'m craving pancakes for breakfast."

"great we have that. coffee?"

"not much of a coffee drinker, i prefer tea..."

jiwoong nodded. "you go on an freshen up, ill go get food for us." he ruffled matthew's hair, earning some giggles.

"m'kay thanks jiwoon hyung~"

matthew went to the bathroom and though this was his fourth time in it, he was still amazed by it's elegant and expensive interior. he brushed his teeth, washed his face, did his skincare, etc. thoughts bounced through his mind as he did all of that, such as how the jet was probably worth more than a century's worth of his rent.

slowly but surely, matthew was saving up his money to buy a house. it's going a bit faster than he expected since he's earning way more. he's starting to see hope! maybe, max, in 7 years he'd have enough from just his work.

he shook out those thoughts, focusing back to his current time and place and what he's supposed to be doing. that is, assisting jiwoong on a business trip in toronto!

the younger exits the grandiose bathroom and finds the breakfast laid out on the table. he let out a sound that was between the lines of a gasp and a squeal and he walks over to sit down. from the sight of the food, he hadn't realized how hungry he'd been.

jiwoong takes a sip of his coffee as he smiled at matthew who sat down.
"well then, lets eat."

matthew cut up a bit of his pancake and took a bite, swaying his head side to side to which jiwoong laughed at. matthew had quite the energy again.

jiwoong stabbed a bit of fruit with his fork and ate it, squinting at the tartness. "okay that was unexpected for the strawberry."

matthew laughed airily, a pleasant sound to jiwoong's ears. matthew ahh-ed, his mouth open and asking for a bit of fruit to try from jiwoong's bowl. jiwoong poked a bit of fruit on the fork and held it in front of matthew. matthew was about to bite down but at the last second, jiwoong snatched it back. matthew laughed. "yah!!"
jiwoong grinned.

"okay sorry sorry." he held it back and matthew was going to bite down but once again, he took it back, earning a playful frown and glare from the latter. a cute angry fox... jiwoong thought.

"hyung cmon."

jiwoong held it again, and matthew this time went over to the fork himself, but the red haired male took it back last second and closed their gap with a kiss. the kiss was playful and sweet. sweet as in a literal term, it tasted like strawberries and maple syrup.

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