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(a/n: im sobbing this story is going crazy because of this god damn bottle flip game event parts. im really trying my best to make it all make sense so ofc theres parts that are completely unrealistic!!!? ok thats my last explanation, continue)

work had been actually pretty eventful for matthew.

he got to know jiwoong better, his lifestyle and schedule, which helped matthew to be able to do his job better, sorting jiwoong's schedule and taking calls for him. he did more research the previous night after that day with ricky.

hanging out with ricky helped calm his nerves, he was actually really nervous and was thinking a lot about his worries like 'what if i end up being useless to him and the company. what if i mess up the company's image and work environment.'

he ended up putting all those thoughts aside and just do it, trying his best to force himself to learn and take in the information in research and from the firsthand experience from the next day.

he sat in a meeting, jotting down important notes, then informing jiwoong about the schedule he'd be having, via email. jiwoong has to meet up with another ceo later on for a talk. the ceo of this partner company that is in an...alliance with jw co.?? which would be dakshin, jiwoong is also friends with that ceo. business partners too of course. matthew doesnt know the full details but he does know about the rival company, parklim.

parklim tries to be better than jw all the time, trying so hard to appeal to the consumers. coming up with ways to put jw out of the spotlight, even with dakshin. never works though since theyre just not interesting enough for the crowd, consumers way more interested in the ceo jiwoong so they'd buy more from jw and interact, making it popular and successful, always trending.

but to add, jiwoong doesnt like the ceo of parklim either 'cause the ceo's an old man with a sour personality in private. "god. this man is so annoying." matthew giggled saying jiwoong was too (an old man) when the older explained it, and matthew quickly apologized. "yah do i have wrinkles or something.. creaky bones- balding.."

"no i was kiddinggg you're still one of the top visuals of korea and one of the youngest ceos" matthew meant it, he really was such a visual, definitely eye catching. its so easy to want jiwoong for yourself.

they warmed up to each other quickly, finding each other's presence easy and comfortable. (obviously, looking at their small conversations.)

matthew had gotten an email about some opportunities for jw's ceo to be featured in a news channel. he accepted that one, knowing it'd be beneficial for jw as a company, he also got other emails for other people reaching out for jw co and he declined most of them. he took care of some other things, clearing up jiwoong's schedule as much as possible and having jiwoong do the most important ones making sure any inconveniences get put away since he knows jiwoong was busy enough and it was his job to assist him.

there were important calls which he had taken, taking notes on some and relaying it to jiwoong.

that was the majority of his day. it was pleasant, he ended it by immediately heading to the gym.


the job was a little difficult sometimes with a lot of work to do, but he managed his time and completed it all. he interacted well with some other coworkers that he'd see in meetings, other people finding matthew nice.

he thinks he's made a fairly good first impression.

nearly the whole week quickly passed by, nothing out of the ordinary happened. work, break perhaps chat with jiwoong a little, work, go home, gym, home again, repeat. matthew spent most of his work at his office area, meetings, and jiwoong's office.

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