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Arianna POV ||

"No Im done wit the bullshit I get put thru wit you." I tell nardo over the phone. He called me from jail because its the night before his sentencing.

"Ari bro, I'm getting five fucking years and you cant come see me before they move me upstate?" He asks me seeming like was about the cry.

I'm just so lost i'm being a parent and him making me like less than a fucking human that I just don't wanna be wit him anymore. I dont even wanna be with Nasir and he's the one I wanna spend my life with.

"okay. Ima come just for some support but any romantic relationship or feelings is dead consider me a friend or someone from yo past thats it."

"Okay." He hangs up and I place my phone on my lap looking at Faith on her back wiggling on my bed.

Being a parent is something I never imagined and now I wish I never did it. I love my baby but I could of waited.

"Hi mamas." I pick her up and pretend a smile at her.

She's really a pretty baby, she got her dimples from her daddy and Im glad because thats what made me attracted to him in the first place.

"Faith girl, me and you gone get away from all this bullshit I promise you. Even tho Im young and I have to change my plans to fit you in my life Im going to make this work and even if you don't understand what im saying now you will when you grow up." I drop my smile and being kinda tearing up seeing my baby smile at me.

Okay maybe being her mommy not so bad.

"No Im not hungry im just nauseous." I lay on Nasir's chest trying to feel better. I been feeling like throwing up all day and its not gettin any better.

"So whatcu think it is?" Nasir asks me while Faith wiggles on her back smiling at the ceiling.

She like laying on her back even tho she knows how to sit up. Little does she know me laying on my back is what got her here.

"I dont know maybe Im just stressed about nardo and shit who knows." I say feeling like I have to throw up.

"I told you don't worry about him. Damn he aint worth one inch of your energy."

Maybe he was right but at the same time I still feel like I owe nardo my love.

"can we just stop talking about him? We only talk about nardo I wanna talk about us." I scoot towards him and put my hands on his neck.

"Mm. Why you wanna be clingy?" He asks me rubbing on my back making me feel comfortable.

"Because I love you. and Im sick of us being distant because of Nardo." I look into his eyes he looks exactly like faith. I really gave him a twin.

"Okay. We dont gotta talk about nardo let's just focus on us. I wanna focus on our family and you doing to school."

"I'm not going to spelman anymore. The told me they gave my spot to somebody else because of my taking too long." He frowns while I lay down on my back next to faith who is asleep now.

"Arianna you coulda been went down to atlanta and me and faith would of visited you. Stop being dumb." He grabs my hands and lift me up to Im really listening to him.

"Dont call me dumb. Im just unfocused about that school shit I wanna be a mommy to faith 24/7." I look over at my baby. She is so little and precious.

"No. I want you to have yo own money I dont want you be just another stay at home ass bitch." He tells me making me roll my eyes.

I wanna stay home and take care of my current baby and my future ones. Thats it.

"You don't understand. I just wanna be a stay at home parent."

Intimacy| Nardo WickWhere stories live. Discover now