Chapter 19: The Deadly Odogaron/Blue's Love

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

(Y/N) and the teens were lucky to be survived away from the Rexes that they were gonna died but (Y/N) take them out of the Lab Mobile vehicle that they were survived away from that and right now they were in the building because they were tired for now also (Y/N) founding some more special files that he founding some more files what he found at two hybrid, but also he readying to hunting some creatures outside there in the jungle what he bringing his gun.

(Y/N) and the teens were lucky to be survived away from the Rexes that they were gonna died but (Y/N) take them out of the Lab Mobile vehicle that they were survived away from that and right now they were in the building because they were tired fo...

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(Y/N): "Hmmmm....Nice." He said to himself.

(Y/N) got his Desert Eagle for now he's gonna take out his Desert Eagle that he checking the magazine was still alright about it but it didn't feel right also he just gonna going alone by himself for now and the rest of teens were staying here for...

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(Y/N) got his Desert Eagle for now he's gonna take out his Desert Eagle that he checking the magazine was still alright about it but it didn't feel right also he just gonna going alone by himself for now and the rest of teens were staying here for now he need a vehicle with him.

(Y/N) using the teleporting to putting machine and there is a vehicle out of nowhere landing on front of (Y/N).

That vehicle has a grenade launcher machine on top and it is gonna be alright when defending and more explosives to killing more carnivores who coming toward at him

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That vehicle has a grenade launcher machine on top and it is gonna be alright when defending and more explosives to killing more carnivores who coming toward at him. Right now he get on the vehicle driving right now he was heading somewhere on the Isla Tacano right now and UMP45 is going with (Y/N) cause she want to protecting (Y/N) and she is his lover and the two of them are partners and they both stick together and fight with survive also they both don't want that happened to each others.

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