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I woke up to the guard banging on my cell door. "Atwood. You've got a visitor."

I stood up, wiping my eyes and walking out of the cell. I winced as the guard placed the cuffs on me. I was led to the visitation room, where I saw Ryan was making his way to. I sat down beside him, happy to see him.

We hadn't seen each other all night.

"You okay?" I asked him. "I'll be fine. Are they being good to you?" He asked me.

"Ryan, you know the girls here aren't half as bad as the guys. It's you I'm worried about." I told him.

I glanced up then and saw Sandy walking to our table. He sat down.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." He said and I nearly laughed.

"Some good news. Kirsten's company has dropped all arson charges, which means pending your probation hearings, you'll be out, no problem." Sandy told us.

"When's that?" I asked him.

"Thirty to sixty days."

I winced at the thought of having to stay here for two months.

"I could have you both out sooner if I could release you into the care of a parent or a guardian."

Ryan looked over at someone, and my eyes followed his. It was Luke, hugging his mom.

"He gets to leave?" Ryan asked.

"Who? Luke? According to the three of you, the fire was an accident, and he's got no priors. His records clean."

I watched as Luke's mom hugged him tightly. It hurt to see someone being loved by their parent.

"And he has someone to take him home." I said numbly.

"Ally, Ryan, you know if I could... it's going to be okay." Sandy assured.

"Okay? How is any of this okay? We nearly died last night, our mom ditched us, and we have absolutely no one to turn to." I said, feeling tears threatening to fall.

"We'll find your mother." Sandy said.

"And what if we don't?" Ryan asked.

"We'll do whatever it takes." Sandy said.

"I think he means, what if we don't want to find her?" I asked Sandy, who sighed.

"If only you two had come to me, instead of running away.."

"Why? So I can end up in Child Services and foster care?" Ryan asked.

"You two could have died in that fire."

"Look, you've done more than enough. Ally and I can take care of ourselves. Won't be that different from how it's been." Ryan remarked, standing up and walking away.

I sighed and got up to follow him.

"We'll talk again before the hearings."

"Tell your wife thanks." Ryan said, glancing back at Sandy.

"Already did."

"Sandy? Will you tell Seth I'm okay?" I asked him. He looked confused for a second, then surprised, but he hid it as he nodded. "I will."

I nodded before walking out of the visitation room. I made it to my cell and sat down, feeling  worse than when we first got here.

I was sitting in the cafeteria when I saw the boys walk in. I scanned the room for Ryan and saw him in line. He walked from the line, tray in hand.

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