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Time passed oddly this year. The months I'd spent in Newport had flown by, but the three months in Chino had been tortuously slow.

Now that I was back in Newport, time was flying by again. It was almost time for the winter dance, or the SnO.C, which was all that Summer had been talking about.

"Coop, you cannot go alone." Summer protested as she, Ben, Marissa, Zach and I walked in the hall at school.

"Why not? It's just a school dance." Marissa answered with a shrug.

"It is not just a school dance, it is the SnO.C., the one night where winter comes to Newport Beach. And your first dance of the year as social chair." Summer told her.

"What happened to D.J?" I asked Marissa.

"Oh, I didn't ask him."

I gave her a look. "My mom chairing the host committee. She'd freak."

"Your mom doesn't like him?" Ben asked her and Marissa glanced at him.

"She doesn't know about him." Summer told him.

"It's not his type of thing anyway." Marissa told Ben.

I looked up as Ryan and Seth walked over to us. "Hey."


"Hey guys, you still haven't bought your SnO.C. tickets yet, so can I put you down for four?" Marissa asked them.

"Yeah I don't know about that." Ryan said unsurely and I glanced at him. I'd thought he would want to take Lindsay.

"Well, when you decide, just let me know." Marissa said as the bell rang.

"Well, we should-"


I walked outside to see Ryan and Zach standing by each other. I walked over to them as they both turned to me.

Ryan looked suddenly guilty which made me narrow my eyes at him.

"Hey, Ally. I was just talking to Ryan about the comic book club."

"You were talking to Ryan about comic books?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yeah. Um, I should go. I have to be in class early to go over my presentation." Zach said quickly before walking off. I watched in disappointment then turned to Ryan.

"What did you say to him?"



"Fine. He asked where to buy SnO.C. tickets and I asked was he planning to go with you. He said yes, but then he also asked me about you and Seth."

"Why would he ask about Seth?"

"He thinks Seth still isn't over you."

"Why can't I just try and have a relationship without Seth coming up?" I said with a sigh.

"Maybe because you're not ready for one."

"Ryan." I stated, surprised he would say that.

The bell rang then and I sighed.

"I gotta go. See you later."

I was getting my books from my locker when Seth walked up to me.


"Hi. So what's going on?"

"I need help."

"With what?"

"See, it turns out Ryan's really good for some things, um, comic books, bench pressing, engine repair, but sometimes a more.. feminine point of view is required."

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