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The day passed by pretty quick. Ran has been a little bit lost, but he was mostly in the same classes as Yuji, who seems to have taken a liking in Ran. Kanzari on the other hand, has been dozing off the whole day, itching to play volleyball. 

The bell rung at about 1PM as everyone rushed out of the classrooms, ready to eat. The second floor has always been the most crowded. Kanzari crams her way in to the stairs, down to the first floor, and going through the gaps of the buildings to the garden which she meets with her friends on the 4th picnic table. Her friends greet her as she sits down and unpacks her lunch.

"I am literally going to pass out. I hate Teacher Watsuru, he is expecting us to finish a 3000 word essay by Thursday." Asira complains while unpacking her lunch "I might as well jump off the rooftop"

"Ira, don't say that, you know about Haron, right? She jumped off the building" Sachi whispered loud enough for the girls to hear. 

"Stop spreading rumours, it isn't confirmed why she hasn't been going to school yet" Jumiya scolded the two, and they sarcastically pout.

"Come on now Miya, don't be such a killjoy" Asira smirked at her and hit her arm "You believe that she jumped off too anyway".

"Oh also, before I forget, how was your date with Takahashi Ran, Zari?" Asked Sachi, who was smiling at her and the other two started to giggle "One hour alone, who knows what could've happened".

"Can you guys just shut the fuck up? Seriously, all these Takahashi jokes are fucking annoying. He is an ass and we met like yesterday." Kanzari scowled and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why you mad? No need to get defensive" Jumiya laughed with the other two, where Kanzari just sighs and eat.

"Whatever, she won't spill, anyway, do you know about that rumor about that male student who pushed his girlfriend when the school first started" Sachi continued "He was apparently jealous and got angry. Crazy anger issues"

Sachi and Asira continued gossiping about deaths at Tohuzama, while Jumiya was trying to scold them. Kanzari was listening while eating her pasta, laughing occasionally. 

"No but I am literally so fucking sure that the bathroom ghost on floor 2 is real, I get goosebumps from there" Asira gulped and Sachi nodded, being completely invested.

"Oh hi Yuki" Greeted Jumiya, that led Sachi to turn around. She waved timidly and he waved back smiling at her.

"Hey guys, is it okay if I borrow Sachi? We need to get to economics early since we have this project due in like 2 days" Yuki requested. Sachi gives a glare at the girls that was saying 'say yes' and they nod. Sachi stands up and walks with Yuki back to the building, giving a thumbs up symbol behind her back as a thank you.

Yuki and Sachi have been friends since they were young, because their parents were bestfriends. They have always been around each other, and Sachi has had the biggest crush on Yuki since like first year middle school. 

As soon as they walked away, Asira sighed "When will they ever finally confess to each other, it has been 3 years"

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