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(A/N: To those who have read the past chapters, I have made so much mistakes! Masahiro and Kanzari have only been seeing each other for one week. I also have a lot of grammar errors... Anyway, they only have a few days left before their second semester of school!)

Today, Kanzari was getting ready to go on a long date with Masahiro. She was kind of scared and reluctant, since he was getting kind of alarming. But she figured she would stay with him for as long as she was still in love with Ran.

She wore a simple outfit, white flared pants and a fitted maroon shirt. She was scared to wear anything more than that, but she still wanted to look good for herself. She put on minimal makeup, but enough to make her stick out and set off.

Their usual meeting place was in front of Tohuzama, the times differing. This time, they scheduled at 8PM and wanted to go to a restaurant that was more active during the night (NO DRINKING OR ANYTHING just a restaurant).

Masahiro was there once she arrived. He smirked at her while looking her up and down.

"Not dressed up for me anymore? Hmm" Masahiro said, slowly moving his hand through her waistline. Kanzari chuckled awkwardly.

"Can we go?" Kanzari backed a bit away from him, and he moved closer to her as she did. 

"Okay, follow me" Masahiro held Kanzari's hand and dragged her with him to his motorcycle. When he dragged her, it didn't feel the same the way that Ran did. There she was again, thinking about Ran, and she tried to shake it off.

Masahiro went on the bike, and put Kanzari's own arms around himself. She wasn't holding on as tight, since she was used to it already and she also wanted to keep a bit of a distance away from Masahiro.

"Too shy to hold me fully, baby?" He smirked, and Kanzari got the biggest ick ever, but she awkwardly smiled, not changing the way she held him.

He drove off, and surprisingly, he only drove a few minutes away from their meeting place. It was a familiar restaurant, a cafe that Kanzari and her friends used to eat at. She also used to study with Ran there since it was close to the school. She shoo'd away the thoughts of him once again.

They went inside the restaurant and went to the corner of the shop. It was a vintage style cafe, having seperate colorful booths, but it was still quite a good place to stay if you need quiet. 

Masahiro put his hand on Kanzari's upper thigh, close to her waist bone. She shuddered at the touch, but not in a good way, and scooted a bit further. This was the most he has done, but he scooched a bit closer to her again and grabbed her a bit more tightly.

"Too scared by my touch, right babe?" Masahiro smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at her. She understood he was trying to be seductive, but it was not working quite well at all. She smiled trying not to say much.

The two ordered food and Masahiro would start massaging Kanzari's thigh a bit while eating, putting pressure. Kanzari felt really uncomfortable, but she didn't want to just leave him there, she felt bad.

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