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"You know you didn't have to pay for all of that, right?" Kanzari furrowed her eyebrows, as the two of them walked outside of the restaurant, hand in hand.

"You know, you have to stop discouraging me for treating you good... I don't get why you aren't happy" Ran tilted his head as he said this, confused on why she always scolds him when he does this for her "Just appreciate it... you don't need to scold me for it".

"Well... you spend way too much money on me! I mean, I can definitely buy most shit you give me myself!" Kanzari explained, as they kept walking around the mall.

Ran sighed, and the two just kept walking around the mall to look for places to eat dessert, when they stopped at a cute matcha cafe which caught Kanzari's eye immediately.

"You want?" Ran looked at her, then pointed at the cafe. Kanzari nodded and dragged Ran in with her. They sat at the end of the cafe, scanning the menu. Once they decided on what to order, Ran stood up with his wallet.

"Wait! You better not!" Kanzari grasped his hand, not letting him go.

"Why?" Ran was confused, until Kanzari looked down at what he was holding "Oh... Listen. I don't know why you aren't appreciating what I do for you and why I do it, but it's getting annoying. Just let me love you and treat you like the narcissist you are..." He shoo'd her hand away and waited for what she had to say.

"Ran! I'm not a... okay nevermind. I'm not used to it at all! It's just weird to me... because first off, you aren't my parents, second you aren't my brother, and third, it's just weird! I'm not used to this from others and it makes me uncomfortable!" Kanzari sighed, urging Ran to sit down.

"Makes you uncomfortable to get treated well?" Ran questioned her, as he sat down in front of her, resting his head on his hands.

"Yes! Because you really don't need to... and it makes me feel like I'm using you or something..." Kanzari exclaimed, sighing at the end of her sentence.

"Well, you have to get used to feeling uncomfortable, because I'm going to treat you extra good" Ran laughed, which Kanzari didn't seem to be amused by. He stood up and gave her a small kiss on the forehead before walking to order at the front.

Kanzari was left there, speechless and flustered. Even though she was confident and a bit of a narcissist, she wasn't used to others treating her like that too. She was used to being alone, fending for herself, not knowing what it's like to be with someone who seriously cares. Her stomach was churning, her mind racing. Is this what it's like to fall even more in love? She sat there trying to stomach the fact that Ran would continue doing this for her, and as much as she isn't used to it, it feels good that she could finally rely on someone to do good to her.

Ran walked back, holding the buzzer in his hand and shaking it as he walked back to Kanzari, sitting down in front of her.

"What... you look like you've seen a ghost..." Ran questioned her, since Kanzari was still staring blankly in to space.

"Yea, you" Kanzari looked up at him, then smiled a bit. Ran scoffed, but then giggled with her. "Also, what the fuck was that for? We're in public!".

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