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Kanzari and Ran continued studying for the rest of the week. They started to cover every single topic, and once Kanzari knew of all of them, they started quizzing themselves. Ran would stay at her house for long periods of time, and studying became like hanging out as well. They started to enjoy each other's company as friends, and stopped hating each other. Kanzari still bickered with Ran, but she could admit that she was pretty close with him.

During the weekend, they both had nothing important to do, so they just stayed and Kanzari's house and studied nonstop. Ran was feeling pretty confident about Kanzari and himself, but Kanzari was still extremely nervous, since she crammed everything in one week.

Finally, the week of the finals came, which is also the week before the camp. The volleyball team decided to meet at the gymnasium on Saturday, since their exam results will be out by then, and the team needs to know who passed so they can take them to Tokyo.

The exam week was quite packed and busy, since breaks were cut short, and there were no more extracurricular activities. Breaks and lunches were quiet, everyone was just studying and helping themselves. People would be studying for their exams the next day after school. Ran and Kanzari were in almost every class together, if not it was just different sections, so they continued to help each other out.

The last day of the exams came, and everyone gathered in their homerooms at the end of the day to get all of their exam scores back. Kanzari, Jumiya, Yuji, and Ran were sitting together, when the teachers handed out their exam scores. Kanzari sighed, and ruffled through. Physics pass, Psychology pass, French pass, etc. Kanzari took the last test, Algebra, which was the subject she struggled the most and she checked. She passed. Kanzari jumped and was in awe, Ran standing up next to her, both of them high-fiving. Yuji and Jumiya's smiles on their faces showed that they passed too.

"Holy shit!" Kanzari yelled, walking with Ran down the stairs "I actually did it!".

Ran laughed "you did, with the help of me of course!". 

Kanzari looked at him, still excited. "Thank you, Ran" she smiled at him, and he smiled back, nodding at her.

Saturday came, and the volleyball team gathered at 3PM. They weren't training, since it was not allowed, they were just planning.

"Hello everyone, congratulations on passing!" Coach Anelo said, and everyone clapped for themselves. "Since everyone managed to pass, we will know be telling everyone about the whole Tokyo thing" he added.

"On Sunday, our call time is 12AM midnight, that is the latest you can be. We will arrive at Tokyo at about 4AM to avoid traffic. Please be ready to ruin your sleep schedules" everyone sighed at coach Keibs "We are going to be staying at an AirBNB, separated by year levels. There will be enough food in the houses for the week. We urged the school to allow us to go early, so on Sunday you guys can rest for a bit."

"Then, we will all go back to Kyoto on Saturday, at 5PM. We will all meet on Monday here in the gymnasium, see you all, and you guys are dismissed!" Coach Anelo finally concluded, and everyone nodded, going back home.

It was a busy day of packing for everyone, and obviously, they all had to sleep extremely early. Kanzari had already packed on Friday night, so she decided to sleep as soon as she got home.

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