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"Kanzari!! I'm going to visit you after school, anyone wanna come?" Sachi texted in the groupchat with all of the volleyball juniors. Yuji made this groupchat and named it "FUCK THE COUPLES!!!".

Kanzari woke up at about 1PM to these messages, and she had a massive headache. She started to scroll down.

"Me and Jumi will pass, sorry Zari we wanna sleep" Asira typed.

"Me and Kento need to finish a project, sorry" Yuji texted.

"Me and Ran will go!! We have nothing else to do after school" Yuki messaged

"Ok after class let's meet at gates. Thanks babe! And Ran!" Sachi texted, and Asira and Yuji reacted with a vomiting emoji.

"Cringe!" Jumiya replied to her message.

"Shut the fuck up you kissed Kento on the cheek" Asira replied to Jumiya, and she replied with an unamused emoji.

Kanzari scrolled to the end of the conversation, and she decided to sleep even more to wait for them. Her headache was horrible, and her body felt weak.

She awoke to the doorbell ringing. She was still sick, but could move her body. She dragged herself to the front door and opened it.

"HEY!" Sachi yelled, excited to see Kanzari. She went back to her room and on her bed, leaving the 3 in the doorway. They shrugged and took her shoes off, and followed her. They understood she was tired, so they didn't really care.

Kanzari was on her bed, with her eyes closed "Sorry if I'm not talkative, I feel like I'm dying tomorrow".

"How come you don't say sorry to me?" Ran pouted as a joke, and Kanzari gave him the middle finger. He sat on her bed first, putting his whole body on it, while Sachi and Yuki just sit on the edge.

"Because you're Ran" Kanzari shrugged. Sachi then remembered she was holding a paper bag and handed it to her.

"Here, put it on" Kanzari opened the bag, and there was Tylenol and Salonpas in it. Kanzari smiled at Sachi and Yuki, and thanked them.

"You're welcome, but Ran bought them, say thanks" Yuki smiled at Kanzari. She looked at Ran, who was looking at her hopefully, and she scoffed.

"Yea no thanks" Ran sighed in defeat, and Kanzari laughed at him. Sachi and Yuki looked at the two, then at each other, and they both shrugged. 

"We were also going to give you some cup noodles, do you have them love?" Sachi was telling Kanzari, then asked Yuki. Kanzari and Ran gagged at Sachi, and she just rolled her eyes. 

Yuki shook his head "I thought you bought them?" he shrugged. 

Sachi frowned at him, and crossed her arms "You're so.... okay whatever. Kanzari, we'll be back to buy loads of noodles". She took Yuki's arm, and they walked out, with Ran following.

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