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The volleyball juniors then had to go to their separate classes at the end of the day. These classes go on like normal, as all of Kanzari's friendgroup were just dozing off and waiting for the bell to ring. After everyone is dismissed, they all meet up at the school gates.

"I can't believe we're having a sleepover with them! I literally can't wait." Sachi exclaimed to Asira, as Jumiya and Kanzari walked over to them. Sachi jumped on Jumiya and started shaking her shoulder vigorously, and Jumiya just accepted what was happening "You, Jumiya, are finally going to have a chance to talk with Kento!".

"Lower it down, will you?" Kanzari scolded Sachi, and she laughed at her and then started shaking her shoulders.

"I haven't stayed in Yuki's house in like... forever!" Sachi was basically screaming, and Asira covered her mouth. 

They were laughing about it, and decided to go to 711 to chill for a little bit, before volleyball training.

Soon enough, training started, and the coaches huddled everyone up. "Good evening, everybody, we're going to be doing tandem work today. Kanzari, you didn't miss out that much. We basically went from measuring skill levels, through matches, don't worry, we measured your skill levels already. We then went on to singular drills and ball handling, so we are moving onto tandems. Go ahead and lead the warmup, Sarina, then huddle back with me afterwards."

The boys and girls volleyball team started warming up, and it was just a normal warmup since everyone was getting the hang of it already, and the juniors left were exceptionally good at volleyball, and adjusted easily. The female juniors were talking about what they were going to wear and bring for Yuki's sleepover, while the male juniors were laughing at dumb jokes they crack.

The warmup finished and the coaches huddled everyone up to give instructions "Alright everyone, we will group you up in tandems now. We're going to group you up by years. 1st years will go with 1st years, and the same with 2nd and 3rd. We're going to group you each with someone of the opposite gender. The highest skilled 1st years of both genders go with each other for example. We based these off of our observations, do not get offended in any way because you are all extravagant players. Now, coach Keibs, please do the honors of announcing the partners."

Coach Keibs started announcing the 3rd years, starting with Kentaro and Sarina, as Ran started walking to Kanzari slowly, until he was beside her. Kanzari looked up at him with a 'Why the fuck are you here?' look, and Ran just smirked at her and mouthed the words 'Just wait'.

Coach Keibs finally got to the 1st years, and thats when they started listening "For our group number 1. Ran and Kanzari" Ran looked down at Kanzari with a 'Told you so' look, and she just rolled her eyes at him. "Yuki and Jumiya is our group number 2" the two walked up to each other and smiled as a greeting. "Yuji and Asira, number 3. Kento and Sachi number 4" Yuji and Asira clapped each others hand, while Kento and Sachi just shrugged and smiled at each other.

"We're going to start with digging drills. You need to be able to make 50 receives while the partner spikes at you. Hit to play, and not to kill. Come to me with your partner once you're both done." Coach Anelo explained, then blew his whistling, symboling the start. Ran was receiving first, and Kanzari hitting. 

Kanzari started hitting decently hard, frustrated with Ran, and lowkey wanted to see him fail. Ran was receiving them perfectly, receiving compliments from the coaches who were walking by, and Ran was smiling at them as he continued receiving. Kanzari was getting frustrated at this, and was hitting harder and harder, Ran receiving every spike perfectly. By the end of Ran's set, Kanzari was hitting at full power, and Ran was giving her a questioning look, as he received every single ball sent at him perfectly. She was fuming, as they switched roles.

Ran was hitting pretty softly, following the coaches wishes, and Kanzari was receiving them perfectly. Kanzari wanted to outdo Ran, and she gave him a look that told him to hit harder. He raised one eyebrow, but then started hitting at Kanzari harder. Kanzari was able to keep up with his hits, starting to feel some difficulty but making perfect passes. She kept eyeing him to go harder, and each hit was getting stronger, as Kanzari was starting to have some trouble. It got to the point she couldn't keep up with him anymore, but she didn't want him to stop.

"Kanzari, focus! You aren't receiving properly" Coach Keibs walked by, who was talking to Kanzari. She was gritting her teeth, determined to receive atleast one hit back to Ran, but she couldn't. 

"Ran, stop for a second. Kanzari, are you rusty or something? Did that sickness suddenly make you lose all your skills? Did you become a beginner? That's pathetic" Coach Keibs was yelling in her facem, as she was looking down, not saying anything "Ran come here, I need to show Kanzari what a real receive is.

Ran nodded, and looked at Kanzari worriedly, as coach Keibs was hitting at Ran, who was being perfect like always, which pissed Kanzari off so much. "That's how you receive, start again, and make sure to count 50 successful receives." Coach Keibs walked away, as Ran looked at Kanzari with concern, as he started hitting at her softer. Kanzari didn't argue, and just continued receiving.

The two finished, and was told to do pepper. Kanzari was hitting hard at Ran, while he was hitting pretty softly since he felt bad. For the rest of the training, they did 2v2s, and were against  Yuki and Jumiya. They won, but Kanzari surprisingly didn't care. She couldn't shake off coach Keibs yelling at her earlier, and being compared to Ran.

After dismissal, Kanzari stormed out of the gym immediately, her friends chasing her. 

"Kanzari! What happened? Why was coach yelling at you earlier" Jumiya was asking in concern with the other girls, and Kanzari just shook her head and continued walking. She was silent the whole time, and only waved at her friends goodbye.

Kanzari was walking home, fuming, and walking, hitting the floor pretty hard. Ran was running up to her behind her, and she didn't even bother to look at him.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry" Ran apologized to Kanzari, looking at her with concern, not being able to read her expression. "I shouldn't have hit hard, especially when coach was watching. I'm sorry".

This made Kanzari even more mad, the fact that she was the incompetent one was making her blood boil. Her pride refused to admit it, but she knew deep down inside that Ran outdid her again.

Ran was still looking at the girl ignoring him, feeling bad. He didn't know what to do, but then realized something and started shuffling in his bag. He pulled out a KitKat bar, and handed it to Kanzari.

"Have the whole thing, since you wanted it so bad" Kanzari looked at Ran, then at the KitKat he was reaching out to her, then took it then cracked it. She opened it, then started eating it. Ran smiled at her, as she ate the KitKat, then the two walked the whole walk back in silence.

Kanzari arrived at the front porch, with Ran, who waved her goodbye with a smile once again. She looked at him with an unreadable expression, then walked inside. Ran smiled to himself, feeling as if he maybe got her sorrows away, then walked himself back home.

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