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The coaches blew their whistle as everyone got in formation behind the lines. "Sarina, will you kindly lead our warmup?" Coach Keibs asks, which then she nodded kindly.

"Yes coach" Sarina smiles at the coaches, then faces the juniors who are behind the end line. We will start with stretching.  Sarina goes behind the end line, and her and the seniors show the juniors the stretch, then they follow behind them. 

The coaches weren't looking, so Sachi thought it was a perfect time to question Kanzari. "Why did you come in with Ran? He even opened the door for you" Sachi smirked at Kanzari, as the other girls turned to look at her while they were doing spider stretches, towards the net.

Kanzari shot daggers at Sachi with a look, then looked straight forward. "Lower down your voice, will you?" Kanzari looked to her right, and saw Ran talking with his friends who were about 3 people away, then quickly looked back. "Also, he was coincidentally at 711 at the same time as me." Kanzari shook her head while closing her eyes. She took a deep breath "He's everywhere I go, I'm starting to think he's stalking me" She lowers her voice down, looking back at Ran, who was laughing at something Yuji said.

"It's destiny" Asira added, as the volleyball seniors and juniors were starting on their second set of spider stretches, towards the endline.

Kanzari shakes her head and rolls her eyes "You guys are so boy crazy, it's fucking weird."

"It's fun to be boy crazy sometimes, you should try it, maybe it will put a smile to your face. You know, being crazy for Ran" Jumiya laughed, a bit too loudly. 

Kanzari shushes her "If I did want to fall for someone, which I don't, he would be the last person I would ever consider".

"Blah blah blah, anyway, what happened earlier?" Sachi asks intrigued, since she watched Ran open the door for her.

"Nothing. I walked in, bought what you wanted, and boiled some cup noodles for myself. He did the same actually, and that idiot dumbass decided to sit with me and was trying to give me a pep talk about being nice. I wasn't having his bullshit." Kanzari ranted, occasionally glancing in Ran's direction to see if he was listening. He was usually laughing with his friends or listening to Yuji talk.

"Ooooooh" All of the girls did, lightly pushing her while they were doing hamstring sweeps. Kanzari scowls at them, and hits them in return once they were done with the stretch.

"Zari, he kind of has a point. You are being an absolute bitch to him, just because he beat you once" Jumiya added, who in return got an extremely fake smile from Kanzari.

'Good enough reason to hate him' Kanzari thought to herself, frowning as they started doing side lunges.

The warm up continued in quiet between the 4 girls, but Ran and his friend group were still loud as ever, talking about random shit and laughing uncontrollably.

The stretching was stopped, and the seniors were putting down hurdles and floor ladders. "Okay, everyone stretched well I assume. We are moving on to jumping and agility exercises, which Kentaro will lead. Please line up behind your seniors" Sarina announced, as the seniors started to line up behind Kentaro, and the juniors followed.

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