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The second day of the beach trip came, and everyone woke up pretty early because of being passed out in their beds pretty early. Everyone got ready to eat breakfast. Kanzari decided to wear a floral sundress, and braid her long hair.

Everyone met up in the living room, talking about where they were going to eat breakfast. Kanzari had been trying to avoid Ran's gaze, on a mission to move on from him. Ran wasn't stupid, and knew that Kanzari was avoiding him. He was back to worrying and overthinking their friendship again, wondering if he was too harsh on her.

The group decided on a place to eat breakfast, and it was a few minute walk along the beach to go there. Ran walked beside Kanzari, occasionally trying to strike a conversation with her. Kanzari would completely ignore him, and walk away to try to talk to one of her friends.

It hurt Kanzari to do this, her heart would drop whenever she ignored him, but she thought it was for her own good and his for her to stop liking him. Ran felt horrible, and it was just like when they first met except this time he actually cared, and his heart hurt. He hates having someone have negative feelings about him, and it was worse since it was his best friend.

They got to the restaurant, and saw the Yanagida siblings who were alone, and decided to join them. Kanzari's eyes widened when she saw Masahiro, knowing she could finally numb the pain of loving Ran, even if it was just for a few minutes.

"Hey! Masahiro!" Kanzari smiled at him, as he waved at her. Kanzari sat down beside him, who was looking at a menu. Kanzari looked over to see the menu, and was almost touching his shoulder. Masahiro looked at her for a bit, smiled, then looked back at the menu.

"You really are everywhere, huh... Well I'm not complaining! It must be fate!" Masahiro joked, and Kanzari laughed. "By the way, call me Masa".

Ran was watching the two of them, his eyebrows already furrowed, when Aika stood up and put her hands around his arm. 

"Raaan! Sit down next to me!" Aika told him, and he really didn't have a choice as Aika dragged him to the seat next to her. His eyes still on Kanzari, who saw Aika and Ran in the corner of her eye. She felt her stomach churn, and she just hid it, continuing to talk to flirt with Masahiro.

Jumiya and Yuji were looking at their friends, sighing at their stupidity.

"Hmm... I want that one!" Kanzari smiled really wide, while pointing on something on the menu, her face still being really close to Masahiro's shoulder. He smirked at her, and raised his eyebrows.

"I'll pay, my treat, for a pretty girl like you" he told her, while snapping his fingers. Kanzari smirked back at him, and nodded. 

"Thank you, kind sir!" she joked, and clapped a bit. Ran was full on glaring, and he cringed at the sight of them, as Aika was talking about shit that he didn't care about.

'Damn, this is the first time Ran has ever acted like this' Yuji thought to himself, still frowning at the situation happening on front of them.

Everyone ordered their food, and Masahiro kept his promise about paying for Kanzari's meal, who didn't stop thanking him. Everyone started to eat, and it was pretty normal.

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