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Kanzari slammed the door in his face, as she changed into slippers and walked inside.

"That guy again? Thought you weren't close" Sona Deishin questioned his daughter as she smiled and quickly put her bags down on the couch.

"We aren't, not even close. He just walks home at the same time as me." Kanzari explained, walking towards the dining table "What's for dinner?"

"Soba salad, which will also be your lunch tomorrow. Call your brother, he's in his room waiting for you." Sona Kazea commanded her daughter, who did as she was told.

She opened the door to see him giggling on his phone "Get up, we're going to eat". Kanzari waits for a second, just to get ignored, until she goes to his bed and throws a pillow at Akino's face. "Sona Akino for god's sake, I'm starving".

Sona Akino glared at her, and threw the pillow back to his bed as he stood up and followed his sister.

Deishin and Kazea were already sat down, and the two siblings sat across them. Kanzari reached out to grab some Soba salad and put it on her plate, and she stared at her brother who was back to giggling on his phone.

"Akino, put the phone down" Kazea scolded her son, who then pouted and put the phone down on the table. He then got some soba salad for himself.

"Damn, both of them are grown up already. One is getting walked home by our neighbor, the other is glued to his phone giggling." Kazea smiled at Deishin, who wasn't really having the same reaction.

"You're happy about that? You two, don't get all flirty just because you're in high school." Deishin clarified with his children, and the two looked at each other and agreed, as they both started eating. 

The dinner went on as normal, with the siblings bickering, and the two parents talking about the weather. Afterwards, Kanzari walks back to her room, and sits on her office chair for 10 minutes, until she finally gets herself to take a shower. She gets ready for bed as usual, showering, doing her skincare, and changing into pajamas.

Kanzari's lying on her bed with her laptop, attempting to do some essay that was assigned that day. She was facetiming Jumiya, because they were in the same section, and the two were helping each other out.

"Matsura Jumiya, that makes no sense" Kanzari yells at her phone which was on the side of her laptop screen, as she grips her hair in despair "Oh whatever, I'm going to sleep, let's do this tomorrow" Kanzari smiles lousily at her phone before ending the call. She closes her laptop and puts it on her side table, as she opens her phone and goes on tiktok.

It's about 11PM when she finally decides to go to sleep, and faces the window, where she sees Ran, who was also tucking himself in to bed and looking through the window. Their eyes widen as they see each other, as Ran faces the other way, and Kanzari gets up to close her blinds.

Ran takes a peak back at the window where he made eye contact with Kanzari, and decides to close his blinds as well. He settles into his bed and checks his phone and social medias. He's scrolling through his instagram feed when he sees a recommended follow 'snknzri, 6 mutual followers'. He laughs when he clicks the follow button and closes his phone to sleep.

Kanzari woke up at 3:30AM the next day, for morning training, to find out her period started, much to her dismay. She got ready and walked to school, with Ran of course who was still attempting to make small talk with her. After morning training, she takes a quick shower and a quick stop at 711, before going to class, tired. The school day went on as normal. 

The second training of the day was also pretty normal, as the coaches and seniors wanted to test out their skill levels with their specific gender group, so they played matches the whole day. Ran and Kanzari walk home again just like the last 2 days, and Ran deals with talking to a wall, and he bids her goodbye infront of her door like normal.

Kanzari ate dinner with her family, and quickly took a warm shower to settle in her bed with a hot towel on top of her stomach.

"These cramps are eating me alive" Kanzari texts to her friends as she settles in bed with her phone.

She was texting to her friends while having a huge bowl of KitKats by her side, as she was devouring them at a concerning speed, despite the warnings from her friends.

The group chat had been talking for an hour now "Did you hear? That bitchy psychology teacher, Mrs. Tekiru apparently cheated on his wife, the biology teacher" Sachi texted.

"Don't spread rumors guys. Also please sleep it's 11:30PM" Jumiya replied to Sachi's text.

"Jumiya stfu. He apparently cheated with that new art teacher, Ms Hakeda, wasn't it?" Asira texted back. 

Kanzari was about to say something but then forgot, and her eyes wandered. They wandered to the window, which she has been avoiding to look at for so long. Ran was reading a book, when he looked up at Kanzari, who's eyes widened. Ran smiled and waved, and Kanzari quickly stood up to shut the blinds.

She looked back at the bed, and the bowl of Kitkat, which was half empty, and she put it aside. She went back to the bathroom to brush her teeth, then tried to fall asleep in her bed.

It was 3AM when Kanzari finally drifted off to sleep. The chocolates and cramps keeping her up on tiktok and just twisting and turning on her bed.

She was going to be in a bad mood that Thursday.

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