JK! Chapter 51

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A/N: This is honestly so funny and sudden to me, but i was re-reading the fic and couldn't help but miss it and want to keep continuing. I promise this time I'll update as much as possible, since I was being lazy as fuck!

The two were always together outside of school grounds. In the campus, during school hours, they would only make small talk or work together for projects, although Ran is extremely clingy, making sure that he's beside Kanzari at all times. Jumiya and Yuji constantly bug the two, asking them about each other, but they just make sure to shrug it off and act like it's normal between them.

Outside of school, however, they would constantly walk around Tohuzama, trying all sorts of street food and just enjoying each other's company. Sometimes, they would hang out in Kanzari's room. Sure, Kanzari's dad entered the room every 30 minutes, he wouldn't mind them cuddling, but just makes sure that Ran isn't doing anything creepy.

They have constantly been avoiding the mall, knowing very well that is where their friends hang out, but, today is an exception.

It's a Friday evening after volleyball practice, Ran and Kanzari are just sitting on her bed working on a psychology project together, which is quite difficult. Kanzari groans and lays her head against the headboard as Ran scratches his head confused and done with the whole thing.

"Hey... do you wanna go to the mall?" Ran looked at her, desperate to get out of whatever they're doing right now.

"I'd normally ask if you if your going insane, but to be honest, I am. Let's go" Kanzari giggled as she quickly packed away her school supplies, and helped Ran place their project on her desk. She was wearing Ran's hoodie and jeans, which she couldn't be bothered to change out of, because they were comfortable and she liked how it looks.

The two of them put on their shoes and exited the house, holding each other's hands. The two of them were discussing school work, since they started doing extreme projects that took a really long time, especially in Psychology.

"I'm actually about to jump off a bridge. I should've taken Business instead..." Kanzari sighed, her mind falling apart.

"But... we wouldn't have been together in class" Ran pouted jokingly, knowing damn well he agrees with Kanzari.

"Shut the fuck up Ran..." She told him, leaning her head against his shoulders a bit while they walk. 

Finally, they got to the mall where they were scared of. At this point, they really didn't give a shit, about whether they see their friends, knowing that they will just figure something out when they see them.

They venture around some shops, eventually stopping to fully look around the stuffed toy shop.

"Remember that giraffe you bought me? Well I have it around me everyday in bed... so I'll buy you something just like it" Kanzari crossed her arms confidently. "That giraffe means more to me than you do to me..."

"Wow okay... but sure, I'll gladly take a stuffed toy from you" Ran giggled, pouting as a joke but appreciating Kanzari's gesture.

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