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Her parents greeted her, and Kanzari dropped off her stuff once again. After this, she sat on the dinner table, with her family.

"You look sweaty, Akino said there was no volleyball training" Kazea told her daughter, while giving her a portion of her food.

"There wasn't. I just did some on my own" Kanzari took a scoop of rice and put it in her mouth "Like just spiking and stuff".

"How did you do that alone? Don't you need someone to set for you" Kazea asked her daughter, watching her eat.

"Well" Kanzari shrugged "I wasn't alone".

"Who were you with?" Deishin questioned her daughter, which led her to know what was coming.

"Ran... Takahashi Ran" Kanzari sighed, while Deishin stood up, getting ready to scold her "It wasn't... don't worry he just happened to be there. It's better to train with someone than alone". Deishin sat down again, quiet. The family continued eating, changing the topic.

After dinner, Kanzari took a shower and got ready for bed. She fell asleep, she was more physically tired than usual, considering the fact that they were both pushing each others limits.

The next school day went by pretty fast, and it was normal. Kanzari dozed off in lessons, and she ate with the volleyball juniors during lunches. The lessons today were more interactive, so Kanzari was more tired than usual.

"I'm gonna go home, I'm about to fucking pass out" Kanzari told her friends sleepily after school.

"You can sleep in the library, with us" Asira said to Kanzari.

"I'd rather alone, sorry" Kanzari waved to her friends and walked home.

She was nearing her house, when she saw Ran outside. He was in the gap of their two houses, which was grassy, but it honestly had good lighting. There was a fence behind the two houses though, so it was quite an enclosed space. Ran was rallying with the wall, which Kanzari laughed at. He noticed her, and waved.

"Why the fuck are you rallying alone? You're depressing to look at" Kanzari laughed at him.

"Join me" Ran smiled, reaching out the ball to Kanzari "It won't be depressing if I'm rallying with you".

Kanzari was shocked at his offer, but smirked and nodded "Let me change first". Kanzari rushed inside her house, and in to her room. She was changing quickly when she thought mid putting on her shirt 'Why am I rushing to be with him? I went home to sleep and be alone, why am I changing my mind?'. She stopped for a second, but then shrugged and continued to rush. She rushed out of the house to see him rallying.

"What took you so long?" Ran held the ball to stop the rally, as Kanzari positioned herself across Ran. He spiked, and Kanzari received. They had a pretty long rally, like they always do, but Ran accidentally received too far in to the wall.

"You're so ass" Kanzari laughed at him, who was on the floor.

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