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They giggled while walking towards the shop, and went in line. Kanzari was still trying to be as distant as possible, which was noticeable, but she couldn't help but crack a smile or laugh because of him. He was glad he could make her smile, and that she was slowly warming up to him just like before.

"Weren't you two the one like making out there?" the store vendor asked once they got to the front of the line, pointing to the gap of the stalls. Ran and Kanzari's eyes widened, looked at each other, and started shaking their heads and denying it. "Oh... then, okay. May I take your order?".

Kanzari named the orders that her friends said, while Ran admired her confidence talking. He was staring at her, and Kanzari definitely felt it. She looked up at him, and they both smiled before laughing a bit.

Once they got to the ice creams, which were quite a lot, they carefully walked back to the beach where everyone was talking.

"We got the ice creams!" Kanzari yelled, and everyone walked up to her and Ran, grabbing their cones. 

They sat back down, Ran expecting Kanzari to sit down next to him, but she sat with Masahiro instead. He sighed and just continued eating his ice cream, when Yuji sat next to him.

"Oh Ran, you're hopeless" he sat down with him, while Ran was staring at the sea, licking his ice cream.

"What do you mean?" Ran looked at him innocently, honestly not knowing what Yuji was talking about.

Yuji sighed and just shook his head, as the two stared out in the ocean.

Meanwhile, Kanzari and Masahiro were talking a lot and flirting. Masahiro would occasionally touch Kanzari, and even though she felt quite uncomfortable, she just went a long. She wanted her mind to move on from what Ran did to her earlier, since her heart was still racing and the butterflies in her stomach were still going insane.

"Can I try your ice cream?" Masahiro put his tongue out, and Kanzari got a massive ick. But, she still put the ice cream to his mouth and licked it.

Ran was watching them do this, since they are in front of him, and gagged. He disgustingly looked at them up and down, before biting in to his ice cream. Yuji laughed at him, and slapped his back, which led to Ran laughing and pretending to be hurt.

That's when Aika walked up to Ran and sat next to him, and started chatting with him. He was as nice as he possibly could towards her, even tolerating the random touches that she gave him, despite being uncomfortable. Kanzari was obviously watching in the corner of her eye, no matter how much she tried to look away.

After chilling at the beach for a bit, the friend group decided to say goodbye to them, and walked back home. They wanted to get ready for dinner already, and take showers.

"The Yanagida's really are touchy... right Ran and Kanzari?" Yuji joked, but the two took it a bit too seriously.

"Yeah, it pisses me off" the two said in unison, while both of their arms were crossed. They looked at each other and and laughed, before turning stern again.

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