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After class and training, the two were walking home.

"How was your day?" Ran asked her, snapping a KitKat and giving the other half to Kanzari.

"You were with me like the whole entire day..." Kanzari looked at him her eyebrows furrowed, but laughing at him. "Clingy ass...".

"Hey! Is it suddenly my fault you're so pretty?" Ran poked her as a joke and she was extremely flustered. "Did I make the Sona Kanzari blush?".

"Of course you did, you're Ran" Kanzari wiggled her eyebrows at him and he sarcastically furrowed his eyebrows at her, but he couldn't help but giggle at that.

"Uhm... can I stay at yours a bit? My family is like always out doing who knows what..." Ran asked, smiling awkwardly.

"Okay... I don't think my parents will be there" Kanzari shrugged as they got to her house. 

Ran opened the door for her first, as she took off her shoes and put on her house slippers. Ran followed, and she gave him an extra pair. Kanzari offered her hand and he obviously took it, as Kanzari started walking alongside him.

They turned in to the hallway and their jaws dropped. Kanzari's parents were coming out of their rooms and they were equally as shocked. Kanzari and Ran looked at each other before letting go of each other's hands.

"Sona Kanzari!" her father yelled, and her mom held his hand so he wouldn't go and stomp towards her and Ran.

"Oh Ran..." her mom said, and he was still frozen. 

He then decided that for some reason it was a good idea get on his knees, and plead for his life and for Kanzari.

"What are you doing?" Kanzari shot him a glare and poked him, but he glared at her back and was signalling to her parents.

"You! I knew that I shouldn't have trusted you around my daughter!" Kanzari's dad yelled at him and let go of Kanzari's mom and walked towards Ran who was on his knees. "What is your business with her?".

"Mr Sona, may I please court your daughter?" Ran looked up at him.

"What? This was happening and you didn't even plan to tell us?" Kanzari's dad yelled at him.

"Dad we were going to! Maybe not like this, but we were going to as soon as you guys got home..." Kanzari went in front of the two of them and signaled Ran to get up. 

"I think we should give him a chance. I mean, he's a nice boy and I used to be best friends with his mother" Kanzari's mom held her partner who scoffed but did as she said anyway. "Come on, let's sit on the couch and listen to what the two of them have to say".

They did just that, and sat down in the living room as Ran got up and followed. He sat back on his knees and looked up at Kanzari, who groaned but did the same thing.

"Ran. How long have you liked my daughter" Kanzari's dad spoke up first, his arm crossed and resting on the back of the couch.

"Just a bit over 2 weeks ago. However, I like her really hard and I'm extremely sure of her, since she is one of the most amazing girls I've met" Ran answered confidently, which Kanzari was impressed by. Her mom nodded in approval, and her dad scoffed but didn't say anything.

"Okay... what are you planning to do for my daughter?" Kanzari's mom asked Ran softly.

"Make her as happy as she can possibly be. I will respect her decisions and won't try to get in the way of any of her decisions or opinions. I will give her gifts and affection, making sure she never feels bored or lonely. I will let her dictate me to an extent and I will be her personal bodyguard, maid, whatever, as long as it satisfies her" Ran confidently answered, as if he had already planned this beforehand. Kanzari looked at him shocked, as her mom smiled and her dad narrowed his eyes.

"You are one cringe boy, are you?" Kanzari's dad scoffed at him, as he nodded.

"He's a certified lover boy, for our daughter! Come on... you were just like him back then! Honestly... Ran's better" Her mom laughed, and she got a glare from Kanzari's dad.

"Oh whatever! Anyway, you rascal, how much does she mean to you?" Kanzari's dad brushed off his partners teasing and asked Ran another question.

"A lot. There is a hole in my heart in the shape of her" Ran smiled awkwardly as his voice faded out. Kanzari looked at him in disgust but shook her head. Her mom clapped and her dad still had a frown but nodded a tiny bit.

"Do you have any past relationships?" Kanzari's dad spoke again.

"No. I'm sure this will last, she means so much to me just in a few weeks of realizing I like her. My love grows the more I see her" Ran was still smiling, confidently speaking. Kanzari genuinely thought he pre-planned this. Her parents cracked a smile, even her dad and sighed. "Please let me court your daughter!".

"Okay. Fine. My eyes hurt seeing you... just keep the door unlocked and don't do anything weird in the room" Kanzari's dad stood up, and so did Ran. Ran reached his hand out for him to shake, and after a bit of thinking he decided to shake it before quickly walking back to his room with his wife.

Ran and Kanzari sighed in fear, as if they had been holding their breaths the entire time. 

"Did you... pre make this?" Kanzari asked him as she offered her hand.

"No... I just said my honest answers on the spot" Ran took her hand and walked with her back in to her room giggling.

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