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(TW: This chapter contains abuse and alcoholic behavior. This isn't a way to incriminate the people in this chapter, this is all a work of fiction and I don't intend to make people hate them. If you don't want to read it, skip to the '//').

Ran smiled to himself as he dropped Kanzari back home. He was glad they made it back home, not having bad feelings with each other. 

He walked out of the porch, took his luggages, and walked to his house. He missed his parents. His mom texted him actually, she said that Rui and Riri weren't home, so he would be alone when he came back.

It was 10:30, when he opened the door. "Hey mo-" Ran was cut off, when he saw what was going on.

Ran's dad threw a glass to the door, which Ran caught. Ran's dad was screaming, and throwing anything he could find to places. Ran's mom was on the floor, sobbing, on her knees, begging.

Ran was frozen there. He didn't know what to do. He just stood there, watching this happen. Ran's dad didn't even notice him standing there, but his mother surely did. Ran started to cry, confused, not knowing what to do.

That's when his dad noticed him, and smirked. He walked over to Ran with an empty bottle of beer and punched him. Ran fell to the floor, he couldn't comprehend what was happening. His mother was crawling to them, crying. His dad started to hit him, harder and harder every time. His mom was begging him to leave Ran out of it, but Ran couldn't hear anything. His mind was blacked out, while he started to bleed and cry, not knowing what to do.

Ran's mom managed to drag his dad away from Ran, and she yelled something, which made Ran snap back to reality "Ran, get out of here! Run, and don't come back until I tell you to!"

"I can't leave! I-" Ran tried to yell.

"Please, it's an order from your mom!" She said, and Ran cried even more. He rushed out of the door at full speed. He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to run, and fast. He was a mess, his face was full of blood. He was getting blinded by the blood and the tears, but all he knew to do was run, until he couldn't.

He stopped, in front of 711. He got to 711 in just a minute of running, and he went inside. Luckily, the employee wasn't at the table, and he quickly walked to the back of the store, by the tables. He sat there, and cried, not knowing what to do.


Kanzari was bored and she couldn't sleep as soon as she got home. She slept enough that day, and during the bus, and she was hungry. Kanzari was also very energetic for some reason, so she decided to walk around a bit.

She had her headphones in, listening to American Boy by Estelle and Kanye West  feeling the music. She was kind of walking with speed, she was really jittery for some reason.

That's when she saw him, Ran, in the windows of 711. Kanzari was shocked, and concerned. She rushed inside the 711, and to where he was sitting.

He didn't notice her, he had his face in his hands.

Kanzari didn't know what to do, but she sat down next to him, and put her hand on his back. He jumped a little, but looked up and saw Kanzari. He was shocked, but tried to wipe his tears and smile for her.

"Ran, you don't need to smile all the time. What happened, who did this to you?" Kanzari held his hand, and his face. It wasn't him. He looked like a completely different person, and Kanzari was extremely worried.

"Nothing... you don't need to-" Ran started to talk.

"No. Ran. Stop. I want to make it up to you. Tell me right now, or I'll find out myself" Kanzari held his face, inspecting his wounds. Even though he didn't look like himself, his features were still there. This was the closest Kanzari got to him conscious, and she couldn't help but stare at his features while looking at his wounds.

Ran put his hand on Kanzari's wrists. He started to cry once again, the tears going to Kanzari's hands. "I... I walked home after dropping you off and... my parents... they were fighting and my dad was drunk... and he" Ran was stuttering as he talked, choking on his words and on the tears "he walked up to me and... I'm sorry I-".

Kanzari was listening to him, as he kept on crying and crying. She let go of his face, and didn't hesitate to pull him in to a hug. She let him cry on her shoulders, as they held each other tightly. 

They had been in that exact spot, before Ran pulled away. His face was puffy, but his wounds were still open.

"Just wait, I'll fix you up" Kanzari quickly stood up, and went to the hygiene section. She bought a first aid kit that was pre packed. She quickly paid for it, and rushed back to him. He waited for her, his tears never stopping. "I'll wait, cry all you need to. I'm here" Kanzari told him, as he wiped his tears away.

"I'm ready" he stuttered. Kanzari started to open the kit, and she honestly didn't know what she was doing but she was going to figure it out. She pulled out a cleaning pad, and opened it. She put her other hand on his chin, while she used the other one to wipe him.

Ran was twitching a bit, and Kanzari would apologize. Kanzari tried her best to care for his wounds, using different things in the kit. She really couldn't help it, but she was admiring him as she cleaned him. Even though he looked like hell, his features didn't change and he still looked really pretty. She was in awe, and zoned out wiping his wounds, while staring and admiring his features. Her heart was beating faster, and it felt like it was about to explode. She didn't know why.

She snapped out of it, when all the wounds were closed, and his face was clean. She stopped to admire him for a second, before bandaging his wounds. He put some bandaids on his face. His lips had a big scar, but Kanzari didn't know what to do. She searched around, and there was vaseline in the kit. She put a bit on her hand.

"Open your mouth" She asked him, and he did slightly. She put on the vaseline, while shaking. She didn't know why she was shaking. Her heart was beating harder as she continues fixing Ran up. Her stomach felt weird, but not in a sick weird, but it felt different.

She finished rubbing it on his lips, and she finished. She was able to stare at his features, and at him, as she admired him. Her heart was still beating, and her stomach felt weirder, as she continued to look at him. She really didn't know why, but it got to the point she felt like she was suffocating.

"Thank you, Kanzari" Ran smiled at Kanzari, since he had stopped crying. He hugged Kanzari again, resting his head on her shoulders.

That was it. Kanzari felt like her heart internally exploded. Everything came to her, she knew why she felt this way, she knew why she was so mad when Sakuyin was flirting with Ran, she knew why she couldn't help but smile when she looked at him. She now knew that Jumiya was right. 

Kanzari had fallen for Ran, and she didn't even know it. She was shocked at herself, since he was still in her arms. Kanzari usually was good at brushing and shaking off thoughts, but she couldn't with this one. She was sure of herself, she never doubted herself, and she knew her own feelings very well. She had to accept it, she liked Ran.

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