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California and London are very different especially the people or maybe I just thought differently. London is a splendid place but here it seems chaotic in a adventurous way I suppose. Chaotic as if the only way you can find peace is in someone and after what happened the first day here I think I found that someone. A friend I keep telling myself but I desired more than that, I was confused about it at first because I simply thought of it as a friendship but I had friendships but nothing like how I felt about y/n. I never cared for the attention of my friends back home.

I was waiting on Robbie while y/n and Devin were out in the back preparing the grill for "hot dogs" basically a sausage and bread more fatty food as always. I hear a knock and I go to open it obviously it was Robert or robbie. He is a tall, a tad muscular, hairy man, typically what I was into but I wasn't this time.
"Good day dear" he says, takes my hand , and kisses it
I pretend to be swept off my feet by it but it's really not at all impressive. I always had to be on my best behavior with men like him because they can do a lot to hurt my career unfortunately. Women are below men as of now, hopefully not forever.
"Come in come in" I say as I pull him by the hand and lead him to the kitchen counter
"You want to talk about you performing I'm assuming right?" He says as he pulls out a box of cigars and lights one
"Yes I believe I'm ready Robbie but I have a request" I say as I lean closer to him to disgustedly tease him because like I said it's the only way to get things as a women
"Yea what?" He whispers
"I want an addition as in a person up there with me" I say and he starts rubbing his chin like if hes actually thinking
"A duo" he asks
"I want y/n up there playing guitar" I finally blurt out and he doesn't react or does anything it's like he's heard me say this before
"Really her?" He asks and I get the urge to punch him right across the face because of the stupid look on his face
"Yes her or I won't perform and you would have wasted your time bringing me here" I respond
"Relax I didn't say no but I now I have a request" he responds
"What is it?" I ask and this big smirk forms on his face
"Go out to dinner with me" he says and before he can say anything
"Deal" I say

I didn't want to go out to dinner but it's the only way I can get what I want and what I want is y/n. I have thought about her not feeling the same and it's okay if she doesn't I'm not going to bloody pressure her but I had to find out if she really didn't first. I've given her signals but I don't think they've been obvious enough. I've also thought about how if we both liked each other it wouldn't be normal because we're both females but I had a feeling it wouldn't matter.

"Devin called the other day to say you and her been stuck like glue try to capture that energy up there and people won't be against it too much" he says as he starts walking to the back and I follow
See even Devin has noticed how much I been stuck to her but she is so clueless and it drives me bonkers.
I hugged her every night and I've never done that even with people I've been in a relationship with it's usually them hugging me. I also remember she doesn't know that though so she must find it natural because maybe she has friends who are like that to her.

We get outside and Devin is swinging around the sausage at y/n, she's laughing and trying to dodge it. Their behaivor changes right away when they see Robbie come in like they're just children who were about to get in trouble.
"That better not be in my hot dog" robbie says then Devin takes a bite from it and y/n laughs loud
"Kids am I right" Robbie whispers
Kids? She isn't that much younger than me well I am 25 but shes 20 from what I remember Robbie telling me,he's the one who's 45. Robbie heads next to Devin for some father and son time it seems so I go to y/n. She's wearing a red fitted t shirt and denim shorts she looks so lush. I was excited to tell her the news
"So guess what" I tell her
"I don't like guessing it's bringing back my college days" she responds and then laughs with those shiny white teeth of hers
"He said yes" I tell her and I see her trying to hold herself back from doing anything
"I'm legit shaking here feel me" she says and gives me her hand she was right she was not still at all
Her hand was soft and tender just like her entire person.
"You don't how thankful I am Dua I could just kiss you right now" she whispers in a enthusiastic tone
Do it then bloody kiss me right here right now it's all I want. But of course she won't at least not in front of them because I don't think I would even be bold enough to do that.
"You should thank yourself because you're just so talented" I respond and I didn't notice that I hadn't let her hand go but she wasn't pulling away either
"Girls they're ready" Robbie screams out then she removed her hand but I knew it had some affect on her as well which is why it confused me if she was bloody into me or not. Guys were so easy to read but I've never had these feelings for a girl and I know we are way harder to read.

They brought a platter with the sausages and the other with the bread so we can assemble it together the way we wanted and the condiments red sauce and mustard. Y/n put everything but mustard while the others put everything on it that's exactly how it felt like to like her she was different than everyone else. I wish she can feel it when I think about her and I wish I could feel it if she ever thinks about me.
"Don't worry Dua we will eat better than this tomorrow" Robbie blurts out and everyone looks at him confused especially Devin
"You're coming tomorrow again?" Devin asks
"No but me and Dua are going out right Dua" he responds and I just nod I can feel her eyes staring and it felt like knives poking into me
"Looks like we are eating canned beans then because Dua has been cooking the best food right y/n" Devin replies
"Yea really good" she replies while staring at me but the look she gave me wasn't like how it was at the beginning of our conversation earlier where she was full of admiration for me

The rest of the afternoon she was acting like she was at the lake, distant and cold. Robbie wasn't leaving me alone until now that he was leaving finally. I don't hate Robbie I'm 100% grateful he brought me here I just don't want to have to repay him the way he may want me to. Y/n and Devin were cleaning up and Robbie was heading out and I had to walk him out.
"I will see you tomorrow at 7 then?" He tells me while he's half way out the door
"Yes" I respond while smiling although it hurts to smile I close the door and sigh
"We finished cleaning good night" Devin says
"Where's y/n" I ask
"In her room I think" he lets a small giggle out because it was honestly a foolish question.
"Right" I respond

Her door is closed this time and it's usually half open or a open entirely because she knows I will come in at anytime. I twist the knob and its not locked surprisedly, shes already laying down. She turned away from the door
"Are you awake" I ask she doesn't move but she responds
"Sure am" she says but it doesn't seem like she wants to continue the conversation
"I'm going to get ready to hit the sack I'll be back" I say as I walk into her bathroom. I brush my teeth and when I go down to spit into the sink I look up and she's against the entrance
"Dua can I ask you something" she says I nod because I still have toothpaste in my mouth
"Am I just able to perform with you because you're with Devins dad" she asks
I finally empty my mouth
"It's not what you think" I respond because it's not I'm not with him and yea maybe I pretended to fancy him to get her up there with me but I wouldn't have to if she played for him
"What is it I'm apparently thinking" she asks as she walks and stands next to me and we both are staring at each other's reflection in the mirror
"I'm not using him and he's not using me I'm not interested I guess you can say" I tell her
"Then why are you going out with him tomorrow" she asks me why did she care?
"It is an invite and it's inappropriate to decline" I respond
"You can be an asshole here don't worry" she says now crossing her arms and walking out to the bedroom

I followed her out but my head was full of good and bad thoughts. The good thoughts are that maybe she's jealous about me being with Devins dad because she really seems to be bothered by it. The bad thoughts are that she really does think I'm using him and she feels bad for him and Devin but I had to convince her I wasn't. We were both laying down but she was facing away from me.
"Your hand when you gave me it it was so soft do you use a hand cream or something" I ask her and she let a small giggle as she turned to face me
"What" she says
"Let me see your hand" I respond and she gives me it with no hesitation
"They smell like coco" I say but she doesn't respond she just looks I got her hand closer to my face and I put it near my lips and gently rubbed it on my lips

She had a confused look on her face but she wasn't moving her hand. It was a silent moment but it was speaking so much in the air but I was still uncertain.

Let me know how you guys feel about the Dua POVs and if I should continue by voting or commenting :) now lets see how y/n feels about this :) thank u for reading as always!

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