~Broken hearts cannot be fixed~ (1)

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Iguro's POV :

' Today's the day I confess to Mitsuri ! I hope she feels the same... ' I thought , I've loved Mitsuri for a while now , she is beautiful . I feel inlove the second she joined the hashiras . She is so perfect , I love her so much . 

I spotted her talking to that flashy moron , ( how dare you say that about my hubby  😡) so I walked up to them and spoke to Mitsuri , " Mitsuri-chan , c-can I talk to you ? In private ? " I asked . " Oh ! Uhm sure :) " She said , she gave me a very weird smile though , as if it was fake . " So what did you want to talk to me about ? " she asked , but she was weird , she wasn't her bubbly , cute self . She was cold , mean . " Oh um , M-Mitsuri , I've liked you for a very long time now . You're so beautiful and so many things . You've made me fall under your love spell ... so what I'm trying to say , will you be my girlfriend ? " I did it ! I finally built up all the courage to tell her ! I need to see her expressio- oh

She was looking at me with complete disgust  . " Obanai , I don't like you back  . I've seen what you've looked like without your bandages and- " ' W-what ? When did she see me without my bandages ?! ' " -that slit mouth is atrocious ! It's scary , you know that Obanai ? I'd rather die than be with you . " she said , she walked away as if nothing had happened . I stood there , shocked . When did she see me without my bandages ? Who else has seen me without my bandages ? I had so many questions . 

I was trying to hold back my tears as I walked back to my estate . Was this Mitsuri's real nature ? Why do I still like her ? I need some sleep  .


I woke up to the sound of knocking at my estate . ' Ugh , who the fuck is this ? ' I thought . I had a raging headache . When I opened the door , Tomioka was standing there . ' Why is this idiot here ? ' " What . " I said . " Are you okay ? I saw you walking through the woods , you looked like you were crying ? " he asked. ' Why does he care ? ' " I'm fine . So go away now " I said , making a "shoo" gesture . I looked away but I could feel my face heat up . ' W-why am I blushing to this idiot ?! ' I thought . He gave me a serious look . " Iguro-san , I'm coming in . Ubuyashiki-sama sent me to take care of you . " he said . " Did he actually say that ? " I asked . " Yes . Now let me in  . " He said .  He wasn't being forceful or anything , he was just insisting . I let him in after a while of thinking . " He also said that we are off from further missions . " he said . 

" J-just because you're doing this doesn't mean we're friends okay ? " I stated . " Of course . Think of this as a comrade helping out . " he said walking close to my face , we were inches away from a kiss . I felt my face heat up . " Get away dumbass . " I shoved him away . He was smirking . ' Is this idiot horny or something ? ' I thought . I walked back to my room to get more sleep . The headache was still there , it wouldn't go away . " Tomioka-san . I have a headache . " I called from the passage . " Okay ! I'll bring you something for your head soon ! " He cheefully called . ' Why is he so happy to take care of me ? ' I thought . I actually hated the fact that he was sent here to take care of me . 

Tomioka POV :

I was preparing some soup and headache pills for Iguro-san . I saw him walking through the woods earlier . He was crying but trying to hide it , he thought that no-one was there but I was . Not like he'd notice me , he hates my guts . A few seconds later I saw him again , he was pale af . I picked him up and took him to his estate . ' I must report this to Ubuyashiki-sama immediately ! '

When I got to Ubuyashiki-sama's estate I told him about Iguro's current situation  , or from what I understand . " I see . ( No you don't ur blind bro . ) Well , thank you for taking care of him my child . You said he was pale right ? " He said . " Yes sir , he collapsed and when I went to check on him he was complete white/pale . " I said . To be honest , as much as he hated me , I felt bad for him . " Ah , well ,  he cannot fight in these conditions . I will have you take care of him for me alright ? You two will not go on missions for the next few weeks ( You can make it however long you'd like ^^ ) . " Arigato , Master . I wish you great health . " I said while bowing out of respect . " No problem and thank you my child . " he said . 

I left Ubuyashiki-sama's estate and zoomed off to Iguro's . ' I wonder if he's awake by now ... '  ( okay back to present time . ) I knocked on his bedroom door , hoping he wasn't still asleep . If my theory is correct , Iguro-san sleeps without his bandages . He covers his face because he is probably insecure about his face . I don't want to just walk in because  he could be sleeping / sleeping without his mask on / he could just simply have his mask off . " What is it Tomioka ? " a muffled voice asked . " Iguro-san ? May I come in ? ~ " I asked . He hestitated before answering , he was probably putting his bandages back on or maybe , he was flustered . " Yeah come in , whatever . " he said . I slid open the door and he was laying under the futon's blankets , covering his face . " You can put the tray on the desk there . " he pointed to where it was and I set in down and sat next to the futon . " Why are you still here ? Fuck off . " he was agitated . ' Cute ' I thought . " Nope , not until you take your meds . "  I said . " If you didn't know , which you do ,  I am here to take care of you , and I must ensure that you take your medication and you're MY responsibility . " I said while climbing on top of him . He pulled the blankets over his face to hide his obviously red face . " Now come on ,  you need to eat first . Or would you like me to feed you ? " I teased . 

" N-no ! I can feed myself , I don't need anyone to do it ... especially if that someone is you . " he said . " Ouch " I joked . " If you REALLY need to stay , use something to cover your face . " he said . I respected his wish and I also looked away as extra respect . " The soup was ... great , thank you Tomioka-san . " he said setting the bowl aside . " No problem Iguro-san . I'm glad you enjoyed the meal . " I said . He took the pain meds aswell . I got up to leave as Iguro layed back down on the futon . As I was about to leave the room , I heard him call out to me

" P-please stay Tomioka-san ... "



Heyo ! I'm ending this here ! Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter . 

Hope you have a great day / night / evening  / afternoon

This is person , off to my next misson 

( 1481 wordies )

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