~Life is getting hard.~

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Background info:

~ Obanai has been in a coma for 5-6 months, with no signs of waking up any time soon
~ Giyuu has been an emotional wreck but he held himself as he usually does — stoic, aloof etc.
~Mitsuri knows what's going on and really worried about Giyuu and is mad at Obanai for making Giyuu this way (She's actually jealous of his and Giyuu's relationship)

Giyuu POV:

"Today marks the 6th month without you here Obanai. I know you may not be dead but...life is so different without you" his voice cracked as he spoke those words. This feeling...Giyuu hadn't felt this way for years. Even when he last felt this, he was quite young

"I'm always here, always loyal to you, and only you my darling" Giyuu placed a somber kiss on Obanai's forehead. To his surprise, Obanai was cold, even though he was covered in warm blankets

"W-why are you so cold?" His heart dropped to his feet. With a panicked touch, he checked Obanai's pulse...not feeling a beat.

Giyuu rushed and called Shinobu.

Shinobu rushed in with Aoi. They worked tirelessly to get Obanai's pulse pumping again. Giyuu paced up and down the manor's passage way in a panic. He bumped into Mitsuri

💕: Tomioka-san?

🌊 : Kanroji-san...Sorry...I've just been... Giyuu couldn't speak properly, he was stressed, scared and super anxious.

💕: You know you can talk to me right?

🌊 : *smiles* I know, thank you Kanroji-san

Mitsuri left the mansion. Giyuu remained in the mansion until late at night, he simply couldn't go home without his love in his arms or by his side


I am so sorry for the short chapter. To be honest, I am losing motivation for this story and I wanna change the plot completely but I can't 😭 but thank you all for the support. My life has gotten SUPER more stressful like Joh it's unreal how kak (shit) my life is rn but I still try my best to write

Most of the time I write on my laptop but I didn't have access to it bc the fucking this wont switch on‼️ so im writing this on my phone. Also I actually got a new phone bc my old one was fucked up so yeah

Thank you all so so so so sooo much for the support and pls be patient bc Im planning for what im doing in upcoming chapters

This is person, tuning out

ALSO I READ ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS (y'all weird asf but i love it‼️💗 Like you guys give me motivation to write)

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