~Damnit ! Don't die on me ... Please . ~ (2)

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This chapter has angst !

⚠!Read at your own risk!⚠


" P-please don't go Tomioka-san ... "

Iguro POV :

' Did I really just say that ?! ' I thought covering my face . ' I thought I hated this guy but why am I blushing to him ? I hate to admit it but I kinda liked it when he climbed on top of me ... WHAT AM I THINKING ?! I LIKE MITSURI ! 

' But do you though ?

H-huh ?! Kaburamaru ? W-why are you in my head ? ' 

' No you slit-mouth idiot ( I need to stop ) , it's your self-concious . You like this guy . Trust me , I am you . You see what that Mitsuri bitch did to you and your heart ? Do you want that to happen again ?  '

' Well no but - ' 

' No buts! You like Giyuu Tomioka . Final . '

' I'll trust you this once okay ? ! ' 

' Don't care , I anyway control you . ' 

" I guro-san ? Do you really want me to stay ? " He asked . " Y-yeah , b-but keep the blindfold on ! I don't want to sleep with my bandages on . " I said . One thing about Tomioka was that he was very respectful . He nodded and I directed him to where my futon was . I saw him take off his haori and hang it up on the hook of my cupboard and lay next to me . I invited him to lay under the blankets but he kindly declined but he did open the futon blankets to not make it uncomfortable for me to sleep . I didn't Tomioka could be this nice . ' I want to lay on him  - wait what the fuck , why am I thinking this ?! ' I felt my face and ears heat up . " Iguro-san , are you blushing? " he asked . " N-no ! G-go to sleep ! " I blushed even harder . "Iguro-san , no need to lie~ " he was teasing me ! This bastard ! " Stop teasing me ! H-how do you even know I'm blushing are-are you peaking ?! " I accused . " No not at all . Can you not feel that the futon got warmer ? " he was right , I looked up at him . I missed looking at his beautiful blue eyes , he was SMIRKING?! IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS DUDE?! " D-do you mind not looking at me ? It makes me kinda nervous . " He blushed . " OH so NOW you act all soft ? I didn't even know you can show emotions to be honest . " I chuckled . " Because I'm all sad and emo ? " "Y-yeah , how did you know ?! " I was shocked . " I know all the things you and the hashira say about me ... You know , I can't even believe I'm admitting this but when you say mean things about me , it kinda hurts my feelings ... " I laughed softly . " Mean things ? Really Tomioka ? " He gave a look of regret . " O-oh s-sorry Tomioka , I didn't realize how mean that actually sounded . " I apologised . I actually felt kinda shitty , he told me how he felt but I threw his emotions in the gutter

" It's fine , but Iguro-san , I must go . I need to shower . " he excused himself . " Oh yeah , totally , uhm when you go out here , the door to the left . " " Thank you . " He left me with a smile . I-I've never seen him smile ... It's so beautiful . I drifted of to sleep a few seconds later . 


" IGURO ! WATCH OUT ! " a voice yelled . ' What the fu-' I thought , there was a demon charging at me . Naturally I pulled out my sword to decapitate it but w-what  ? It's shattered ! " IGURO-SAN!! " I was struck . I laid there , bleeding . My head is pounding . ' Why is no-one coming to save me ? '  I guess this is it . I am going to die . Just then , the scene changed . It was all black and Mitsuri-chan stood before me . Bloody , like she just came back from a mission . " You are useless Iguro . " ' S-she swapped to my last name ?! ' " How could anyone ever like you ? " she started to laugh . 

" Yeah ! You're not strong , so how are you even a hashira ? " Tengen laughed with her . 

" I'm ashamed to look at your hideous face . " Sanemi said , pulling off my bandages . 

" You are a disgrace to the hashiras ! " Rengoku exclaimed

" That snake demon should have just killed you . " Shinobu said . ' B-but how did she know about my past ? ' I was shaking , what is even going on ?!

" No amount of prayer will help you . " Gyomei too ?! 

" We all know your pass Iguro . You are truly a disgrace as a hashira ! You do not deserve to be one ! " Misturi said . At this point , they were all around me " I --GURO-S--A--N! " laughing over me . Looking dow- " I----UR---O -----AN! " -n at me . Why ? Why ? What did I do to deser-"----G--U---RO-----A--N! " -ve this ? Then everything was black . 

Tomioka's POV :

After my shower I put on my yukata and walked over to Iguro-san's room to check up on him . When I entered the room , I saw him laying in bed , probably napping . I walked over to the futon to get a proper look at him because , something , something didn't feel right . When I checked , his eyes were open , rolled to the back of his head . " IGURO-SAN ! " I called out to him . ' He seems to be stuck in a dream , but how do I get him out ?  ' " IGRUO-SAN! " I called out to him again hoping it would help . ' He's still not waking up ! What the fuck is happening in that dream that it's leading to this ? Oh Iguro-san , please wake up my dear . ' I thought with tears in my eyes . " IGURO-SAN!" I called out one last time . He stopped shaking but he wasn't breathing . ' I have to take him to Kocho NOW ! ' I ran to the butterfly mansion with Iguro-san in my arms . 

" Damnit Iguro , don't die on me ! Please !



Heyo ! I'm ending this here . I thought of a different idea for Obanai's dream but I didn't have a proper idea to carry with that so yessir . 

Have a great day / night / evening / afternoon 

This is person , off to my next mission

( 1196 wordies - story )

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