~This...feeling~ (14)

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Hi so I'm kinda tipsy so I'm writing smut. Just smut...maybe angst but mainly smut. Enjoy this horny mess I made (sbwl)

btw it's a few days later and im not anymore, also HAPPY NEW  YEAR! Let's  hope 2024 is a prosperous year for all (i am doing a new years special soon)


Third person POV:

Obanai and Giyuu are cuddling in their shared futon. Giyuu was sleeping soundly but Obanai was awake...and hard.

Ever since Obanai was injected with that poison the medicine Shinobu gave him to stop and restrict it was actually an aphrodisiac however, Shinobu thought it was an antidote for poison.

Obanai POV:

'Fuck...Why now? Hmph, I really need to calm this situation down' I thought, I started climbing out of the futon, maybe I'll go for a quick jog, just to take my mind off this. 

Suddenly, just as I got up to go for a run, Giyuu held my waist 

"Where you going Oba?" his raspy voice asked, I instantly felt myself get even harder

I felt myself climb ontop of Giyuu, my hardened member rubbing against his stomach. I pushed my lips against his, locking our lips in a rough, passionate kiss. I could feel Giyuu waking up and moaning, making him submit to me is the best

I took off mine and his shirt, as I started biting and sucking his nipples, I felt him get hard aswell. He is super sensitive at his nipples so I licked and sucked as hard as I could. Giyuu's groans and whimpers filled the room as I felt his pants get wet (from precum). "Like it when I lick your nipples you slut?" I growled (I guess he's an animal now

"Y-yeah daddy, m-more~!" Giyuu whimpered, I've never heard him speak like that but fuck, I got even harder than I already was. Without hesitation, I ripped off mine and Giyuu's pants and I grinded our cocks against each others. Giyuu had loads of precum on the tip of his cock already, some was dripping onto his stomach and my cock. I started stroking him which made Giyuu moan insanely loud and arched his back to me. 

"Beg for my cock slut." I commanded, spanking his ass super hard

"Please daddy! I need your cock inside me!" He yelped in pain and pleasure

"Goodboy' I praised "Raise your hips...just like that~" I slid two of my fingers in and thrusted them back and forth, super fast. "Seems like I already found that sensitive spot of yours huh? Well, your insides are twitching like crazy, fuck...it's heaven" I said as I took my fingers out and rammed my dick deep inside

Giyuu yelped in pleasure and buckled his hips on my cock. "So eager huh?" I chuckled as I started thrusting. I moved his legs over his head to get better access to his puckered hole as I thrusted even harder. I stuck my fingers in my mouth and then his. I shoved my fingers deep down his throat and I stuck my dick even deeper inside of him

"Ngh~!" he moaned, his insides twitched like crazy as his hot semen shot from his cock and his nipples. "Such a dirty slut~" I said as I liked the semen clean off of him

(So, they did 10 more rounds :} Sorry I ran out of ideas okay?!)

~The next morning~

Giyuu POV:

I woke up before Obanai...fuck, I can't feel my legs. How can he be so short yet so dominate?! I tried standing up from the futon and walking to the kitchen but halfway there, my legs gave up on my and *THUD* 

"Fuck" I cursed out loud. Looking down at my hands, I noticed blood. "Oh shit..." I had broken Obanai's favourite vase when I fell, he's gonna be so mad at me...

"shit shit shit shit shit!" I repeated as I crawled to the broken pieces and started picking them up 

"Giyuu Tomioka." I heard a voice call out behind me, it was...Obanai?!

"O-Oba...I-I'm sorry I broke your vase I didn't mean to I-"

"It's fine Giyuu, I wanted to know why the fuck are you trying to pick up broken glass with your already bleeding hands?!" Obanai asked in concern, rushing to my side to bandage me up. "Next time wake me up if you're legs are numb"

"How do you know my legs are numb?" I asked, my face flushing crimson

"I railed you super hard last night dumbass, I tied you up at some point!" He shouted as he picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. "You want some soba?" 

"For breakfast? S-sure Oba" I smiled weakly. It's times like this I'm happy to be with Obanai. We've had our ups and down but, it's us against the world and....







"I'VE ONLY GOT YOU, DON'T DIE ON ME OBANAI!" I screamed in pain as Obanai bled out in my arms. The forest had become a wasteland. Millions of demon slayers were being carried out in stretchers, either dead or seriously injured. This was tough war that was suddenly bestowed upon the corps. Just this morning, Obanai and I were having breakfast, laughing and enjoying our day and now, here he is, bleeding out and on the brink of death in my arms

"DON'T GIVE UP ON ME, PLEASE!" I brought him closer, I could feel his body become limp

"Giyuu-san..." His weak voice whispered "If we meet in another life...can we get married?" He asked. "No! You're not dying! Y-you're gonna live" I said in denial, tears welled up in my eyes "Please, fight Oba..." I cried. 

"SOMEONE, PLEASE! HELP US" I called out, I could hardly walk or run anywhere but I needed to get help urgently. Enduring the pain, I stood up and ran to the butterfly mansion. It was hard to breathe and I could feel Obanai giving up 

"Hold on Oba...please" I whispered as I picked up the pace, jumping from tree to tree to get to the butterfly mansion. Once there, I kicked down the door. "Help us please, I-Iguro-san is bleeding out!" I shouted

Aoi and a few others rushed to help us, we put Obanai onto the bed and Sumi started patching him up. I was told to leave the room and as I did I saw Sanemi, Rengoku and Tengen, all bloody and clearly distressed. 

I sat next to them and buried my face in my hands secretly praying Obanai would be okay...


~{1058 wordies}~

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